First days

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"Good morning everybody this is Emma Johansson, she will be joining our class." Mr Stan states. I have always hated to be introduced like this, I hated school in general but switching schools in the middle of the year was always the worst. These first few days were always very hard. At this point most people had found their people and had made their friends. Groups had been formed and the status quo had been set. Good luck fitting in.

I offered a small smile to the group as I made my way to an empty desk at the back of the class. I had to focus on keeping my head held high as I felt the gaze of all the boys follow me to my seat. As I finally sat down, everybody attention soon returned to the professor. I sigh that I didn't know I was holding escaped my lips as I sank further into the seat.

"That bad hu?" A boy whispered. I looked up a little startled locking eyes with him.

"Yeah, you could say that" I sigh

"We're not even 5 minutes in" He laughed

"I know, this is going to be a very long day" I smile back.

"It sucks being the new girl doesn't it, if you like I can show you around today" He whispers back.

"Yeah you could say that... Actually that would be great! Wait I didn't catch your name?" I say back a little louder than intended. 

"Miss Johansson, it's your first day here, are we going to have a problem for the rest of the year or will you be quiet while I teach?" Professor Stan addresses me, resulting once again in alle the eyes on me. It's weird I have always hated to be the center of attention but on the other hand I also enjoy it. I like to be in control, so as long as I have the upper hand, you won't hear me complain. Beside I was what most boys would call HOT, so I was used to the stupid male gaze.

"You know what they say, first impressions last" I say smirking, earning a small laughter from the class. He rolls his eyes and continues with his lecture. Weird usually this would be enough to at least get a angry look?

"My name is Tom Holland, nice to meet you" He winks at me, I give him a smile in return. 

As the lesson continues I hear some whispers about me go around. I could feel people staring at me while I was working on the exercises that was given to us. I look up to see a group of girls whispering, smiling and pointing at me. I could feel my blood starting to boil, deep breaths Em come on you got this, breath, don't fight on your first day.

"I heard that she hit her principal and that's why she had to move to the other side of the country" ... "I heard she drove a motorcycle into the school building" ... "I don't get what the boys see in her she looks like trash" they whispered to one and other. I couldn't deal with it anymore I wanted to beat the shit out of those girls. Just then, they all look back at me locking eyes with every single one of them.

"Так что ты можешь сосать мой член, если тебе не нравится мое дерьмо?" I say while standing up. I spoke loud but didn't quite yell. 

"Translation?" Tom asked out loud.

"So you can suck my dick if you don't like my shit" one of the girls answered, looking furious.

Everyone was once again staring at me, it had gone completely silent. I hated myself for giving in, I knew I gave them exactly what they wanted, I could see their evil smirks on their faces. I feel a hand on my wrist pulling me down slightly, I see Tom holding my sleeve. He gestures for me to take my seat and I slowly sit back down. The chatter slowly starting back up. The bell rings and everybody is dismissed. The teacher again completely dismissed my behavior, or so I thought.

"Miss Johansson please stay in your seat I would like a word with you" Professor Stan says, yet his toon wasn't angry at all. 

I stood up anyway and walked to the door with Tom

"Actually sir if you don't mind, Tom was going to show me around and I don't want to be late for my next class, First impressions and all." I say at the door offering him a sweet fake smile. 

"I do mind. SIT down" He says, way more strict this time. I briefly look at Tom

"It's fine I'll show you around after school and I'll inform the next teacher that you'll be late. The class is at the end of the hall to the left second room." Tom says kindly before walking off.

Emma JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now