Drunken promises

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* silence*

"I said that out loud..?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah kind of" Lizzie blushes.

There is an very awkward silence until Tom starts laughing, we were all just staring at him.

"finialy, I thought you would never have the guts to say anything" Tom laughs

Chloe joins Toms laughter and together the roll around the ground. Eventually headbutting one and other. Now Lizzie and I join the snickering. It probably wasn't as funny as we made it out to be but you can just blame the alcohol for that. I saw Tom and Chloe awkwardly laying on one and other and decided to jump on them, sandwiching Chloe in the middle. After a few seconds  I feel someone on top of me and realize Lizzie had joined the pile as well.

Tom eventually managed to push us all af off him, I fell to the ground rolling over before Lizzie landed on my stomach. Or faces just inches apart. Suddenly Lizzie leans down and kisses me. At first I'm shocked that she actually is kissing me but I soon return the kiss. Or lips moving together in perfect symphony. I didn't even realize how much I needed this until she actually kissed me. Everything around me starts to blurt as I only focus on Lizzie. After a few minutes of making out we pull apart gasping for air, realizing both Tom and Chloe are gone. 

"Are you okay?" Lizzie asks me, checking in.

"Yeah, I just, uhm, this is all just really new to me" I admit honestly.

"We can stop if you want?" she assures me.

"I don't think I want to stop" I say standing up and extending a hand to Lizzie to get up as well.

Lizzie takes my hand and gets up, leading me to the door. As we get to the door, we both see a key hanging on the handle. HAHAHA Tom had left us a key to one of the guest rooms. Lizzie takes the key and leads me to the guest room.

As soon as the bedroom door closes I push Lizzie op against the wall, reconnecting our lips. My head is telling me to stop and run away, while my heart is telling me to go on. My hands travel from her waist down to her ass, squeezing it lightly. I lift up one of her legs, resting it against my waist. Lizzie moves her lips from my lips to my jaw, leaving kisses along my cheeks to my neck, a small moan escaping my lips as she suck harshly on the skin of my neck. All of a sudden I lose my balance and fall to the ground. I am a little more drunk as I initially thought. 

Lizzie helped me back up to my feet into the bed. I soon realize that I am the only one completely drunk. Lizzie might be a little tipsy but she was nowhere near as drunk as I am. She helps me into the bed, taking off my shoes before tucking me in. She kisses my forehead and turns to leave. What the hell did I just get rejected?

"Heay, Where are youw going?" I slur.

"I was going to sleep in one of the other guest rooms" She answers. 

"Why, Did I do something wrong?" I ask confused.

"No darling, you're just drunk, and I'm not one to take advantage of that" She says with a sad smile.

"But I want t-this, I promisesss, you're not taking advantage." I slur, trying to get up to walk to her but ending on the ground nonetheless.

"I believe you think that you want that now baby, but if you really want this, I want for you to experience your first time sober. This isn't something I want you to regret. Besides I doubt you can keep your eyes open long enough for anything to happen." She says while helping me back into bed once again. 

'Baby', I like that.

As Lizzie turns to walk away I grab her hand. 

"You don't have to go, you can sleep next to me if you want to, I mean you don't deserve to have to leave just because I'm drunk."

"It's fine Emm, honestly, I don't mind. You should get some sleep." 

I did not let go of her hand but grabbed it even tighter this time.

"Will you please stay and cuddle me?" I ask half asleep.

Lizzie sights, "Sure, move over." She smiles.

It didn't take long for me to drift off to sleep in lizzie her arms. 


I wake up in an empty bed with an insane headache. I only remember bits and pieces of last night. But the more I try to remember the more my head hurts. God what did I do last night. Not able to lift up my head, I decide it was best to go back to sleep for a bit. 

I wake up to the sound of a door closing, my headache is a lot less heavy but it takes me a second to open my eyes and take in my surrounding. I feel the bed dip and look to see Lizzie getting on the bed with a book. I groan to let her know that I'm awake.

"Good morning. How is your head?" Lizzie askes looking over at me, a smirk covering her face. 

I groan again, not able to form words just yet. 

"I take that as a 'not that good'. I got you some advil and water, there on your night stand."

After I took the advil, I finally started to feel a bit better. That was until I started to remember what had happened last night. Lizzie was still silently reading a book beside me, she hasn't said anything nor had she made a move to leave. She was probably trying to figure out whether I remember or not. The thing is I do remember, but mostly how much of an embarencement I was yesterday. I still can't figure out what happened exactly, I only know that I jumped on Tom and after that there was a kiss, but I can't seem to figure out what happend after.

"Lizz?" I start

"Yeah?" She says closing her book and looking down at me.

I scramble up sitting in a crossed-leg position facing her. 

"I'm sorry about last night, I was a mess and I so so sorry you had to see me like that." I plead.

"It's fine Emm." she says with a sad smile

"No it's not, and I would like to make it up to you. What can I do?"

"Wait so you don't remember what happened last night? I mean yes of course you don't ." She mumbles.

"Wait what happened last night? What else did I do?" I ask confused.

Right then the door swings open. Tom comes running into the room and jumps on the bed.

"Tom" Lizzie sights.

"Sorry didn't mean to be a cock blocker, although I don't know if I can still call it that." He laughs.

"TOM, shut up" Lizzie says very frustrated. 

"What did I do?" Tom asked indignant.

"She doesn't remember last night, at least I don't think so." Lizzie sights, looking at me for conformation. 

"You guys basically had sex and you don't remember? How drunk were you Emma?" Tom questions looking at me curiously. 

"WE DID WHAT?????????" I didn't mean to sound as offended as I probably did, but I just couldn't believe something like that actually happened. Let alone to me.

"But anyway it's 4pm and if you want to get home before your mom kills you, you should really go" He says shrugging as if he did not just drop a bomb on me.

"SHIT, I got to get home" I say running around to room quickly putting on my shoes and leaving the room.

Half way out of the room I realize that I just ran away from Lizzie without saying anything. I ran right back into the room, over to Lizzie and give her a small kiss on her cheek.

"You, me, Date night, Wednesday. I'm going to make it up to you." I yell before running away again. 

Where did that confidence come from? It felt so natural. 

As promised the second chapter,
Don't forget to drink water.

Emma JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now