Skipping class

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Once dinner was done I went up to my room closing the door and locking it. I jump on my bed crying, I hated to fight with Scarlett but I just couldn't help myself. It was so hard for me to believe she actually cared about me, it is so hard for me to let her in. I know that she is trying so hard, and truly she was the perfect mom. She had never in the hole time I knew her yelled at me, yes she had raised her voice at me, but she has never actually yelled at me, you know the full on now I'm scared for my life yelling, at least not in my presence. 

It didn't matter how much I scolded at her or how angry I was with her, she never gave me a reason to hate her. All she did was looking out for me, something no one else had ever done for before, maybe that's part of the reason that I find it so hard to except. After a while I started to calm down. I looked at the clock and saw it was half past eight, there is no way that I would make it to Tom's on time so I called him.

"Hey Tom, I'm so sorry but I won't be able to make it, I have no transportation" I lie 

"O shit man, that sucks. Uhm if you want I can ask Happy to come and get you?" he offers.

"Who is Happy?"

"O yeah right, sorry, sometimes I forget that we only know each other a few days. Happy is my driver, if you send me your address he can pick you up."

"Wait you're serious, what are you like shit loaded?" I can hear a awkward chuckle through the phone indicating that I was right.

"Yeah sure, I'll send you the address now. Oh and please don't let him ring the doorbell, I'm grounded so I'll have to climb out my window."

"How are you grounded? You were at school all day? Are you sure you want to sneak out?" he asks worried

"Well apparently not telling that you have detention will only get you into more trouble" I say rolling my eyes even though he couldn't see them.

"And yes I'm sure, this isn't my first time sneaking out, I'll be fine."

"great, I'll see you in a bit!" he says and hangs up.


"What are you having?" Tom yells from the kitchen over the blasting music. 

"I'll have a beer" Chloe answers.

"Me too" Elizabeth yells back.

"I'll have a vodka, if you have one" I say, ready to drink all my problems away.

A little while later Tom returns handing everybody a beer. 

"You're not drinking?" I ask as I see the coke in his hand.

"No, I have practice tomorrow so don't want a hangover. Besides someone should watch your drunk asses. And you shouldn't drink your problems away." He smiles.

I was kind of shocked that Tom had noticed that I was ready to get wasted and had only given me a beer. We only knew each other for three days but he was already looking out for me. Instead of a movie night we ended up dancing and singing along with the music, having a mini party with the four of us. His mom and dad were out of town on a business trip. I came to find out that Tom's dad is Tony from the multi billion dollar company, Stark industries, explaining the freaking mansion they lived in. 

"Elizabeth, come dance" I yell tipsy form all the alcohol. 

"You can call me Lizzie you know" she whispers in my ear as she wraps herself around my neck.

I felt my cheeks heat up instantly, the hairs on my back standing up and my breath hitch. We danced for what felt like hours, eventually ending up on the couch to drunk to stand. Tom came over to us and offered to bring me home, but my drunk ass was not ready to leave the beautiful women in my lap. I've never felt so safe with anybody before, it might be the alcohol talking but I feel a strange kind of connection with Lizzie. 

Tom gave up and told us to find a guest room to sleep in, as he went up to bed and Chloe went home. I was so drunk that I had no idea what time it was but Lizzie and I managed to get up from the couch and went to look around in the house. This place was gigantic, we walked past the pool and found an arcade room. The rest of the night is kind of a blur, but I woke up in Lizzies arms on a bed in a guest room. My head pounding like a fucking thunderstorm.  

I got up and made my way to the kitchen, finding a clock showing that it was already 3pm. FUCK I missed school. I hurried around the house in an attempt to find my phone. I came across a note from Tom

Hey lovebirds,
I couldn't get you girls awake this morning. You have the house for yourself. Make yourselves at home, Lizzie knows where everything is so just ask her if you need anything. The fridge is stocked so you can make yourself breakfast. Happy will probably be in the study and can take you home whenever you want. Tekst me to let me know you girls are still alive!

Lovebirds? Why would he say that? Fuck my head is killing me I need some aspirin. I'm in the kitchen going to the cabinets as Lizzie walks in holding one hand to her head. The other holds my phone in her hand.

"I found your phone in the next room" She says handing me my phone.

"Thanks" How does she looks so good, even after the night we had?  Wait why was I thinking this. I must still be a bit tipsy for all the alcohol. I looked at my phone, several missed calls from Scarlett, Indicating that she knew that I wasn't in school. I'm not ready to deal with this now.

"Second drawer, third row, at least if you want some aspirin" Lizzie smiles

We both take some aspirin and make breakfast after we settle on the couch watching a movie while waiting for our hangovers to calm down a bit. At around 6pm Tom arrives back home, and I decide it's time to go home before Scarlett completely freaks out. I know she can track my phone, but she doesn't know I know, and for now I like it to stay that way.

As promised another update, the chapter is more of a filler but hope you like it anyway. 

Don't forget to drink water!

Emma JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now