Boas Black

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It's Friday 9pm. I was sitting handcuffed in a chair, waiting to get processed. They had been interrogating me for over two hours and I was dead tired. Apparently I got caught on camera while spray painting the school busses. I knew for a fact that I wasn't caught on any school cameras so someone must have turned me in. The snitch! The reason I knew this was because I used the exact same place to sell the Adderall and I would definitely be charged with something more than a misdemeanor if they found that out.

Lizzie had hopefully called Tom by now, who could maybe bail me out. I decided that my best option was to call Sebastian. So that's what I did.

"Emma, Is that you? It's late why are you calling me?"

"Uh sir I got in a bit of trouble." I stutter.

"What do you need me to do?" He asked.

"Can you maybe call Lizzy, she can explain what happened. But I kind of need you to bail me out of jail also? I said very unsure of what was coming next.

"I'm on my way, don't say anything without a lawyer present." He said with a sight.

"Thank you, I'm sorry I called." I said before the line went dead.

Hey I was still talking to him I yell at the officer who cut me off. He just smirked and went to bring me to a holding cell. 

Just as my cuffs get losend and the cell door gets closed I see a glimpse of Scarlett. I quickly run to the first person I see an duck behind him. Turning him to face me so I am between him and the wall. I completely forgot that Scarlett would be here today. Shit, she can't see me here I would be in so much shit. 

"uhum" I hear the man in front of me clear his throat. I was still holding him and we were very very close.  I slowly look up at him, he was definitely way taller as that I am.

"Can I help you with something?" He asked looking at me questionably.

"Uhm, no I good, just neet to hide for a sec, can you maybe stand still for a bit?" I ask him shyly. 

"Sure, but why do you need to hide, we are already in the cell you know." He asked laughing

I turn him around quickly so I was hiding behind his big shoulders. 

"You see that women over there with the red hair and the detective badge, that's my mom." I answer him.

We stand there for a few minutes till he finally turns back around and stepping away a bit.

"She's gone, can't imagine how hard it must be to have a cop as mother." He smiles apologetically.

"Adoptive mom and she is pretty chill, but I don't want to find out what happens is she catches me here". 

"No I get that. I'm Boas by the way, Boas Black."

"Emma, Nice to meet you, soo what are you in for?"

"I got arrested for beating up somebody, but if you ask me he had it coming." He says.
"Bastard bullied my little sister." He murmured under his breath.

"You practically beat the kid to death bro, your lucky he is no going to press any charges" another guy says walking over to us.

"Jacob" He says extending me his hand which I shake.

Boas gives him a elbow to the ribs as he scoffs. 

"Whatever, I would gladly do time if it meant that that asshole left my little sis alone." 

"Dude what about me, I would be right here beside you doing the time" Jacob scoffs.

"I Didn't ask you to help me!" Boas says in indignation.

"Bro I'm your best friend, who would I be if I didn't back you up." 

I just smile at the two friends in front of me bickering. I wish I had a friend who would do such a thing for me. Although I'm pretty sure I could get Lizzie to commit a crime for me. But that is also because she likes getting in trouble she had Tom here hole life, who was bailing her out of it. 

"Emma Johansson, Boas Black?!" a guard yells 

We both turn around to walk up to the guard who let's us out, I get my stuff back and so does Boas. We quickly exchange numbers and than I get pulled outside by my ear. I look up to see Mr. Stan, Lizzie and Tom standing there. We all make our way to Sebastian's car and get in without a word. Boas had to stay and wait for his friend to get released.

Sebastian starts to drive and after a little bit we pull over in a empty parking lot. It's 11pm by now and it's pretty dark out. 

"Everybody out." He says opening his door. We all follow quickly.

I was preparing to get yelled at or scolded or lectured or who knows what but instead Seb kept quite. We waited in an awkward silence until Happy showed up.

"So, you're not going to ask me what happened?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Nop, I don't even want to know, I'm not your dad and I promised you I would be there for you. If you want to talk about it I'm here to listen but I'm not going to pressure you. You are however going to pay me back for the bail." I stood there with my mouth half open for a few seconds not believing his words. 

"No I'm all good, no need to talk, about that money..." Before I could finish my sentence Tom jumped in. 

"I got it covered, I will write you a check and bring it tomorrow."

Stan sighted and got in his car driving off, I silently thanked Tom and we all got in his car. 

"Tom?" I asked hasently.


"Can I maybe stay over tonight, I don't exactly want to go back home alone."


Monday morning was hell, apparently Florence was sending around the video of me being arrested and there were a whole lot of eyes on me for the rest of the week. Lizzie and I were hanging out a lot after school and I could honestly say that I was having fun again. It has been a while since i last truly enjoyed myself, but every time I am with her I was having a blessed. But of course my happy time would always be cut short by an annoying little brat named Florence. Afterall we had to work on the Russian project together. 

I was really starting to get fed up with her. Over the week she wouldn't stop staring at me. Everyday I would feel eyes burning holes in my back, and everytime I looked I would caught her staring. This week was absolutely killing me and I couldn't wait for the weekend.

Eventually Friday rolled around and I had invited Lizzie over for a little movie night since it was the last night I would be alone at home, I thought I could better make use of it. I had thought about throwing a party, but then again, maybe I had gotten in enough trouble for a while. Besides cleaning up would be a bitch.

Get ready for this next chapter!
Don't forget to drink your water!

Emma JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now