~A~ Report ~2~

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~A~ Report 2

Once again the kitchen was filled to its capacity. Owen's Blackbourne's house was slowly becoming the unofficial hangout place for both his team and the Toma team. After everyone turned 18, Owen's team began finding places to live without their families. Mr. Taylor Sr. and Mr. Taylor Jr. still live at the Taylor compound with Mr. Kobra and Mr. Coleman now, but Uncle has gotten himself a small apartment closer to the diner. Victor bought a nice townhouse in downtown Charleston and Kota and Nathan now live with him. Nathan was going to put his house up for sale on Sunnyvale Court but instead sold it to the academy for favors. It's currently a safehouse that holds a transfer team from Texas. Which leaves Sean and Owen to be roommates in the mini mansion that Owen owns just outside of the heart of Charleston. The Toma team has a few apartments in Sgt. Jasper closer to the ocean.

No one called a family meeting, but since everyone is here it might be a good idea to get reports. "Does anyone have anything to report?" Mr. Blackbourne says at a normal volume but with some steel behind it in order to get this rowdy bunch to listen.

Once the chatter quietens down, all eyes turn to Mr. Blackbourne. Raven only holds his eye for a moment before dropping his head. He needs to tell them about the hours he and Axel received yesterday from Doctor Roberts. Boss man can give the news, Raven thinks to himself dejectedly. He wants to see his little kitten and apologize.

Low murmurs of classes and no leads ring throughout the room. When Luke's blonde head pops around the corner of the doorframe. There's a smudge of something on his lips but North is across the room from him so he's not worried. "I was able to get the cameras into the Dean's room yesterday." Luke announces with a smirk. "A little help from sugar and we're all set." He puts two thumbs up to the group and smirks at his brother, his thoughts on how cool Sang was. She was so helpful and it was super awesome that she knew sign language.

Mr. Blackbourne quirks a perfect eyebrow but doesn't question him further. Instead he turns his attention to Victor and Corey. "Are the video feeds up and running correctly?"

Coreys nods his head to Victor to explain. He hasn't had the time to really look into them, he's been busy trying to find more information on Sang and Zane. Whatever firefall is around their file something so complex that he's never seen anything like it. To the untrained eye their file would seem original almost boring, but he found a tiny little line of code that didn't make any sense and has been trying to crack it since.

"Yes. Luke did a good job with positioning too." Victor praises with a soft smile to his teammate. "We have a full view of the door and his computer screen."

Mr. Blackbourne nods his head in approval then asks another question. "Mr. Taylor Sr., why did you need some 'sugar' to help you with your job?"

A red tinge starts to creep onto Luke's face but he shrugs it off and shakes his head to stop his errant thoughts of Sang and cupcakes. "Sang was already in the office when I arrived to place the cameras. In a lucky chance she caught my eye and I signed to her to distract the secretary and she did." He stares dreamily off into the distance again. "It was one of the easiest jobs I've done in a while."

"Hmm." Mr. Blacbourne says in acknowledgement. "Next time refrain from having a non-academy member help with the mission. I don't want to have to explain to Dr. Roberts why his daughter was caught doing something she shouldn't."

Axel can't help but roll his eyes. Sang wouldn't be any trouble, if anything Phil would scold her for not being cautious enough and getting caught. Marc sees his team lead lose his normal calm facade and he chews his bottom lip in confusion. Something is off with him and Raven. Sang was mentioned and Raven didn't have anything to say about his 'little kitten'.

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