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A cacophony of sounds reaches my ears at once, I flinch back at the influx, the door snicks shut behind me. And then it's silent. A silence so profound I wonder if I have lost my hearing. Several faces are staring at me, all portraying varying emotions. Sean: disbelief and worry, Owen; confusion, Axel; gratitude and grief, Raven: sadness and longing; North; angry, Victor; happiness and weariness and finally Zane: horror mixed with acute relief.

It takes my brain longer than I'd like to realize that Zane has a hand out as if he's going to grab Owen and Raven is midway through throwing a knife at the wall. North is standing protectively next to Victor's chair while Axel is slumped in a chair at the conference table. Sean is closest to me, his arms crossed over his white coat eyes wide.

I raise my chin and wave a little meekly. "Hey, everyone fancy meeting you here." And then the tableau shatters, Zane sprints at me, his argument forgotten as he crashes into me and we both stagger against the door. His pine and honey scatters the complaints on my lips. Arms reach around me and hold tightly, so tight I struggle to take my next breath. Leaning my head against his chest, I sag completely into his hold, my arms rising to wrap around his waist, feeling the butt of a pistol digging into my arm.

"Don't you ever leave me in the dark again, Sang." He whispers to the top of my head, "I swear I'll ground you. I can do that as family lead."

My arms squeeze around him in reassurance, "We have a lot to talk about," I concede, "But I refuse to be grounded."

Slowly Zane releases me and holds me at arm's length, his eyes rake up and down me stopping at every nick, cut, and bruise he spots. His frown becomes more and more prominent as he lifts a hand and gently unwraps the blanket from my shoulders. "Are you okay?" He asks in a subdued voice.

Before I can answer, two voices jump into the conversation. "Of course she's not fucking okay! Look at her." North exclaims his hand gripping the back of Victor's chair with enough force that his knuckles have gone white. "Let me take a look at her." Sean demands, his hands already reaching for the stethoscope around his neck.

"Can I get some water first, and maybe dinner?" I blurt out. Now that the drama of the day has mostly ended I'm starving. All I've had today was a breakfast sandwich, some fruit, and a muffin. I need to refuel and rest before I can make sense of today.

"That can be arranged." Owen says, his hands smoothing down his suit, which looks more disheveled than I've ever seen it. "Mr. Taylor, would you please go to the cafeteria and pick Miss Roberts up some food."

North rounds the table as I eye the pizza boxes sitting on the conference table. A little bit of cold pizza never hurt anyone. North must see where my thoughts are going and shakes his head. "Sorry Sang, it's all gone, these guys are a bunch of heathens."

"You're the one to talk," Victor scoffs, "You ate two boxes by yourself."

North throws a look over his shoulder at his brother but doesn't respond as he brushes past me. I take a few more steps into the room so he can open the door. "I'll be back in a few minutes, go sit down." He tells me firmly then exits the room.

Following his advice I take the nearest chair and slump down, fighting a yawn, I look towards the resident doctor. "What's the verdict doc?" I ask, giving him the green light to start his examination.

Zane claims the seat next to me to hold my hand as Sean listens to my heart rate, prods at my knuckle, and gently touches both my wrists. Raven has shealted the knife that I noticed earlier and has taken a sentry position next to the door, his eyes never leaving my face. Victor is typing something at his laptop and Axel is staring dejectedly at the table. Owen clears his throat and my focus jumps to him.

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