Chapter 20

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  • Dedicated to EVERYONE! :)

So here it is last chapter of the story!!!! Wow i cant believe its over! i loved writing this story so much. actually one of my favorites to write. i usually dedicate each chapter to someone but this one I dedicate to you all! Every single one of you who has read this book you have no idea how much that means to me I don't care weather you started from the beginning to just read the whole thing yesterday thank you for it. But for the ones that been here sense chapter one I want to say thanks for putting up with my slow updates and crappy chapters. Thanks for sticking with me and the story. I love you all so much for it. writing is what i love and knowing people like reading it makes me the happiest person in the world. So thank you all soooooooooooooooo much. 


                      (ZAYN'S POV)

I only froze for a second before turning around quickly in circles trying to figure out where the shot came from and if everyone was okay. It only took me a few seconds to see Alex and Niall hands up gun pointed to the sky. Alex stepped forward and awkward look on her face.

"Come on Andy really? Going to threaten to kill you own sister?"He laughed.

"Sister? Sense when does family abandon each other? Sense when does my own sister someone I took care of her whole life leave me just to be with another gang?!"I seen the confusion on Alex face I knew what was going on now.

"I never did any of that, Why would you think that?"

"Sean told me! He told me everything how that night you left us. That your the reason Sean was distracted and got shot in the arm. All because you didn't want to be near me again. How you couldn't love a brother that kills so you left only to get a boyfriend that does?!? I don't get it and I don't care your not my sister so you can die to."It wasn't Alex who walked forward this time but Niall did. Weird enough we all moved with him.

"Think about it Andy. Why would she do that? Why would your sister that loves you and stuck with you through all of that just up and leave one day?"

"Don't Niall, don't you dare! I trusted you to! Yet here we all are. Both of you over there while I'm here."

"Don't you find that weird? That we both choose this side? Come off it Andy! Look past the guy who gave you a place to stay. He was dating Alex! He Treated her like shit and He left her out there! He told her not to come back and then told you she left! Think about it Andy."I wanted to say something but i was cut off by Sean.

"Don't listen to him Andy he.."

"No don't you,,,"Niall tried arguing back.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP.!"I turned to Andy who looked more confused hurt and pissed off then any of us. He  was facing Alex "Is it true? Did he leave you that night to die?"She only nodded. I could tell he was fighting with himself. Not knowing who to believe or what was going on. So i step forward.

"Andy she is your sister. Why would she want you hurt? Why would she even lie about something like that? We found her actually harry did. You of all people should know what he is capable of. The pain he brings on people. Everyone here? has a reason to be here. They all add up to him.  So if you want to believe him over any of us go ahead. You don't deserve people like us specially her. So think for a minute before you do something dumb. I might have stopped Niall from ruin his life but mine is already there. I will not hesitate to shoot any of you." I could feel i was getting angry I knew it was going to happen eventually i am not the most level headed person in the world. I have a temper and honestly I'm done with this life. I am done with the constant worry, I'm done being scared to let anyone leave the house. I kept my eyes on Andy but that doesn't mean I didn't feel it when Niall's slipped his hand in mine. I wanted to smile at him tell him I like it but I couldn't. I knew it was only something to comfort me but it felt like so much more. Finally he turned to Sean

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