Chapter 1

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                                                                       (NIALL'S POV)

Growing up i always said things like "This is tough" "Life sucks" "Nothing can be worse then this" "I cant feel worse then i do now" "I cant handle this." "I hate my life" almost on a daily basis. Now i know that it was stupid words of a little boy that couldn't appreciate anything just needed a reason to complain because now i know i never meant any of that. how do i know that now because today i buried my mum and brother and that was tough and i couldn't handle it and i couldn't feel worse then i do now and nothing in the world could be worse then this and my life does suck and i do hate it and its all my fault. Its my fault they are dead and i have to live with that fact for the rest of my life. So here i am sitting on my mums bed while everyone downstairs is getting drunk and looking for me to say how sorry they are for my loss truth is i don't even know half of them and i don't deserve their sympathy. A knock on the door made me jump.

"Niall sweetheart?" I noticed the voice immediately but i couldn't speak not even to her my own aunt. she came in and sat down next to me holding some papers.

"I know you haven't talked since the accident and you don't have to talk now but there is something i need to tell you. I got your moms will today and there are a few things that you need to know. She left you the house and the family store. Well that would have went to your brother but seeing as..well yeah so you have the store. You will keep all the furniture and appliances and the car. She left you all her money so you can get by but believe me there is plenty of it so you will be fine here goes the card and the pin for it she left it all in the bank." I nodded i figured all this but I'm only 16 how am i suppose to take care of all this?

"There is one other thing here. Well your mom had a very good friend i mean the two of them were joined at the hip even got pregnant around the same time. She was a very good person and your mom trusted her with her life which is probably why she had her sign this." She held up a piece of paper." Its says that if anything were to happen to your mom that you and your brother will go to her." my mouth dropped.

"I-I what?"

"It means that as of the time your mom...It just means she now has custody of you she is your legal guardian."

"I don't even know her."

"Well she left with her son when you were only five i didn't think you would."

"She left? Well where does she live?"

"She lives in a town called Bradford in London"

"LONDON?!" she put her hand on my arm. "Sorry but London? I thought i would stay here with you. or i can live in the house by myself? or..."

"Niall Hun your only 16 you cant do any of that until your 18 and you know i love you and i would keep you here with me but these are your mothers wishes and for whatever reason she wanted you with her not me. I called her just a little while ago and she feels terrible that she couldn't come she only heard about it today and she is devastated she was expecting some kind of call and she is still willing to take you said she would do anything your mom wanted and she cant wait to meet you" I didn't care about that any of it.

"But this is home i cant leave, i lost everything else i have to lose home to?" She pulled me into a hug.

"I know Hun i am so sorry." I know i have to go. my mom wanted this and i wouldn't deny her that then it hit me.

"What about the house and the store i cant take care of either if I'm no longer going to be in Ireland?" She looked at me with a small smile.

"I did think about that, your mom I'm guessing never planned on you leaving Ireland cause the store was left so you had money to be okay on. So I'm going to offer you a deal. I will buy the house and store off of you. In two years you can come back and take over again if you would like and slowly pay me back half of what i am giving you."

"That's like..Wow..Is that even a fair deal?" She laughed. Why is she being so nice? cant she see that it was my fault? i did this? The reason we are having this horrid conversation is because of me?

"Your my nephew and i love you so yes its a fair deal. either way it goes you will be okay and that's all that matters. and if you decided to come back and take over you can pay me back slowly and in the end ill have most of the money back not that i care about the money i don't need it your uncle will make sure I'm okay. Ill make sure i take good care of the house to. nobody will live in it ill make sure i clean well dust at least once every two weeks and you can come back and visit and stay there." I nodded.

"Thank you" not that i deserve any of this. She went to her purse and pulled out a receipt.

"Well since i know you so well i already put the money in that same account that's how much i alone put in." i looked down at the paper my eyes grew bigger when i seen the number 85,000. i heard her laugh again. "The house cost 50,000 and the store 35,000. So all together Hun you have at least a little over 400,000 dollars in that bank and that should hold you off for a while if you use it wisely and everything hell what am i saying your kind of rich kid." This only made me feel worse. How am i suppose to accept this my mom should be here she should have this money not me.

"Thank you." She nodded.

"Well i told Tricia that you will arrive tomorrow hope that's okay but its pretty much full flights for the next month. Also she has three daughters and a son, he is your age. Here goes your ticket and everything else you will need and the address you will be going to. Give this stub to the guy who will take your car make sure you keep the other half so you can get it back when you land" I nodded. "Well I'm going to go start clearing everyone out do you need me to stay here tonight?"

"No ill be fine i have to pack."

"Okay promise to keep in touch?"


"I love you" She pulled me into another small hug then pulled away "be careful out there Hun and come back whenever you want. Call me if you need anything at all."

"I love you to." She smiled at me once more and then closed the door an hour later the house was empty not a single sound and the only thing i could think of is how empty i feel but i deserve to feel this way its the price i have to pay. I packed all of my stuff since i didn't have much time i just threw them into boxes. My whole life fitted into eight boxes, three suite cases, guitar case and one carry on bag. Not much for a whole 16 years i didn't sleep more then an hour before i had to go get on the plane. I knew i wasn't going to like it where i was going i just know things like that. I always have these feelings and they are never wrong i had a feeling the night my mom and brother died but i ignored it and see where it got me. Once i got there i gave the man my car which had my boxes, guitar and suite cases in it. i took the carry on bag and was on my way. and before i knew it i was off the plane and in my car again. I got lost a few times i almost wished someone would have met me at the airport but that would have just been awkward. all of this is awkward. But finally i found it and I'm not going to lie it was in a shitty neighborhood but it was the nicest house out of all the ones i seen pretty big to. I stood looking at the door for what felt like an hour finally when i was going to knock it opened and someone was walking out of it backwards and ran right into me. He jumped and spun around grabbing me by the throat tighter then necessary making me drop everything i had in my hand.

"Who the fuck are you?" He looked at me with such anger but he looked scared to. What the hell is he scared for? I'm the one being grabbed around the throat.

"N-Niall" I heard someone running.

"Zayn let him go! hes the one i was just telling you about." He blinked and all anger went away he looked kind of guilty. Wonder if hes always like this.

"Oh well he shouldn't be sneaking up on people. could get hurt next time so how about you watch it" He said in an irritated voice. Well looks like he already hates me.

"Sorry i was just going to knock and.." He cut me off

"Save it for someone that cares huh.?" Then he walked away, He really just walked away. Guess i deserve it anyways.


Hi.! okay so sorry its a bit boring and short but its only chapter 1 it will get better i promise. Let me know how you like it? If i should continue? Ill put up chapter 2 if i get a decent response to this one. Ill be dedicating chapters to people also lol Sorry for any mistakes and if you are reading thanks so much it means the world to me. :)

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