Chapter 11

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I am dedicating this chapter to Ali_Horlik because she is amazing and always leaves the best comments. Love you.! Thanks :). Ill keep dedicating to you lovely people. 


Well lets hope this is as good as i planned. Enjoy.! :)


Her and Liam both jumped up already in parent mode.

"Liam get the first four girls ill get the rest" He only nodded running through the door.

"LOTTIE.! GIRLS.! LETS GO.!"I ran quickly behind them opening harry and Alex and Louis door.

"Get up get out the house now.!"

"Whats going on?!"

"The house is on fire stop asking questions and get out.!" Harry said nothing while running into Alex room dragging her quickly. Louis appeared his face full of fear and concern.

"Where is sky? Did you.." I seen Liam running past me with the twins in his arms Lottie and fizzy following close behind.

"But teddy! Don't forget the cat.! Liam I'm scared.!"I looked back to Louis

"She fine now go.!" He was running down the hall after Liam when a familiar scream made us both stop in are tracks. Something snapped in both of us but he was faster. He ran toward where he heard sky scream.

"Louis.! oh god Louis.! ZAYN! LIAM.!" I ran in to see that the room was now up in flames. Everything burning I looked where Sky's frantic eyes were and seen Louis on the ground Part of the ceiling with him.

"Sky go! Ill help him.!" She hesitated. "GET OUT.!" She ran. Liam appeared copying my actions throwing the pieces away from him. His screaming out in pain only made us move faster.

"Its okay Lou were going to get you out of here.!"

"MY FUCKING LEG." Finally when we got it all off Liam lifted him bridal style running out the house. I ran around with my head cut off making sure everyone was out grabbing things i thought were important like the twins teddy bear the last thing they have that there mom gave them. Other small things trying to carry them all.The sound of glass shattering and a small boom told me it was time to get out. I quickly ran down the stairs noticing the flames were everywhere now nothing untouched. I finally reached everyone else.

"Everyone here? Everyone okay?"

"Head check.!" Liam screamed.

"Where are the ambulances? The fire department? What the hell is taking so long?!" I looked around and they were right not a damn siren or light in hearing or sight what the hell is taking them so long.

"13? Wait 13 who..?"

"Niall.!" Sky suddenly screamed. "Where is he?" We all start frantically searching but he was nowhere in sight. Fuck.! I went to turn toward the house but the two girl hurried past me.

"ALEX.! SKY.! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING?!" They both spun around.

"To get him.!"

"No ill go both of you..LISTEN.!...Both of you stay here.!" I ran to the house ignoring the protests from the others. No matter how much i hate him i cant leave him to burn. Leave it to him to sleep while the fucking house is on fire fucking twat.


My sudden coughing fit woke me. I didn't open my eyes they felt real heavy. It smelt like something was burning i hope its zayns hair. Its so hot in here i must have forgot to turn on the air. I heard yelling but i couldn't get the energy to care. I laid there until i heard him scream out for me he sounded worried. Zayn? Is he okay? Does he need me? I slowly pealed my eyes open only for the next fit of coughs to appear. Once i finally focused my eyes my body froze. My room was full of smoke flames threatening to come from both doors. The house is on fire? The sentence didn't click at first and when it did a burst on unknown energy went through my body making me jump up. I grabbed my guitar wallet phone and clover neckless. I ran to the door opening it only to be thrown back from the heat of the flames.

"Fuck! Anyone Out there? I cant get through anything."It was a weak attempt but i still hoped. Nobody answered and the flames began creeping into my room. I whimpered looking around not sure what to do. Finally it hit me. I grabbed the small blanket from my bed trying to cover up my body well most of it anyways. I ran through the flames hoping not to get burned.I couldn't see anything because of the smoke. I looked all around not knowing which way to go because i couldn't see. I stopped walking altogether thinking maybe it wouldn't be so bad if i just gave up. I have nothing i have no one would it be so bad?

"Niall! You fucking twat where are you?"All thoughts of giving up went away with the sound of his frantic voice.

"Zayn?"I ran forward ready to find him only to fall down the steps. I groaned as i laid on the ground in pain. Why the fuck does all the bad things happen to me? I was trying to stand when i heard something loud i looked up only to fall back down something fell on my head and my whole body holding down all of my weight I wanted to scream out but i didn't have it in me. I was going into the darkness i didn't mind because at least i know he tried to come save me. The last thing i felt was the blanket unravel from my body and trickles of blood falling from my head.

(Zayn's POV)

"Zayn?" I spun around his voice sounding weak sounding scared. I ran toward it and i heard a low groan. I felt small relief that he was okay i slowed down trying to breath. The smoke was getting to me the heat only making it worse. I only had a wet blanket covering me so i didn't burn but it didn't help with anything else. But suddenly a loud creaking noise and then a loud crash made me speed up again. I ran toward the noise and froze in place There he was laying under whatever was holding him down. There was blood dripping down his face and the flames were getting dangerously close to him. I looked around trying to find something to lift it off him but i seen nothing. Nothing but flames. I have to get out of here i have to get him out of here. I ran over to him.

"Niall? Can you hear me? Can you move at all?" he didn't answer me. And as if i suddenly got some super human strength i lifted it off him taking the blanket off myself hitting him in the legs where the flames began to attack him. As soon as i put it out i picked him off the ground looking down at his chest thank god he is still breathing. I picked up the pace running him to the doors.

"Zayn?"He whispered i looked down at him his eyes were closed he had such an Innocent childlike expression. It made me wonder who he was before he came here what he was like and what took the look off his face.

"Niall are you..?"Suddenly it was like he froze. He became hard yet limp in my arms his chest no longer rising up and down. My heart began to race. i got outside putting him down on the ground. There still was no ambulance or firefighter. Where the fuck are they,!?

"LIAM.!? HES NOT BREATHING.!" Liam was suddenly at my side. He started working around Niall body but all i could do was stand there in shock holding his hand. I felt a tear roll from my eyes, Damn it.! Why do i have to care now? Fuck.! I sighed getting closer.

"Niall please please i need you to stay here okay? Please don't go i know we don't get along but you cant go please don't please."


Okay so i was like umm i want this chapter to be like epic and now reading back its not as epic as i thought. But either way i hope you guys like it. is Niall going to be okay? So next chapter someones going to realize just how Niall fits in with all this craziness any idea what it is? Let me know whats going on in that head of yours. Sorry for any mistakes and as always thank you for reading it means the world to me.

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