Chapter 7

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I am dedicating this chapter to FallbeforeyouFly, Thanks so much for the comment it made me smile. Ill keep dedicating these chapters to you lovely guys/ladies. 


I had fun writing this chapter. My sister (ZiallLover01 helped.) Enjoy.!!


                                                                (NIALL'S POV)

I woke up to the sound of yelling and slamming doors. I jumped up scared, looking around the room i noticed i was alone. I sighed throwing my head back down on my pillow. Then everything that happened to me last night ran through my mind. I met up with Sean i tried to talk to him but he seemed distant a little preoccupied so nothing much was said except that he enjoyed kissing me. He kissed me again before i left but even then something else was on his mind. I came home to find out zayn's mom is missing. I jumped up SHIT ZAYN'S MOM IS MISSING! I ran to the dresser grabbed sweatpants and a white t-shirt  ran out the door and down the steps everything was quiet the halls were empty which usually during this time of the day the girls are running around. I went to the kitchen and stopped in my tracks i seen a woman standing there all the girls sitting quietly at the table.

"Hello?" The woman looked up at me.

"You must be niall. I'm zayn's aunt. Here sky told me to give you this." She handed me a full plate of food. I smiled a her.

"Thanks where is everyone?"

"Out looking for Tricia dear." I guess they didn't need my help then.I nodded at her and turned walking into the living room. I sat sat down on the couch and began eating and thinking about something that i knew i had too i couldn't just forget it, i had sex with zayn last night.I really had sex with him. I don't know who this person is i'm turning into and i'm not sure i like it. I started off it off because i felt bad for him. I lost my virginity because i felt bad for him. It eventually hit me that i liked it but it didn't change the fact that i didn't like him.I should have said no because i knew it meant nothing to him. He said he need a distraction and that's what i was. Will it ever happen again no. I can't let it happen again. Sean who is nice to me and i could learn to have those feelings back it won't be hard. I sighed looking around. This house is gloomy. i pulled out my phone finding Sean's number and sent him a message.

~Wanna get together today mate?~ It took a few minutes but i got a reply.

~Course babe cant wait to see you . Not now though im busy meet me at 7:00~

I looked at the clock it was only 3:00. what the hell am i suppose to do for four hours.


As soon as i closed nialls door i went to sky's room were i knew everyone would be. I knocked on the door lightly letting my presence known and walked in they all looked up at me.


"No we were hoping you heard something." i shook my head. 

"No this is not normal we should have heard something by now. Maybe we should start looking"

"Where? Tell me where to go Zi have been dying all night.!" I looked at harry. He didn't sleep i looked around none of them did.

"Okay just normal places for now. I doubt she will be there but we will check anyways. Just safe houses and all there homes. You Alex and Louis stick together dont be seen.!" They all nodded getting up running out the house. 

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