Chapter 5

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I am dedicating this chapter to Nashvillexlifex. Thanks for the comment Loved it lol made me smile :). Ill keep dedicating these chapters to you lovely guys/ladies.


Okay so this chapter is going to switch pov ALLOT from Niall to zayn hope you enjoy :)      


                                                   (ZAYN'S POV)

After getting home that night i went straight to the game room where i knew everyone would be. 

"Guys" Everyone looked up at me

"So me and Louis followed him"

"Okay what did you find?" I looked at harry a small smile appearing on my face.

"From what we could tell he isn't apart of Sean's gang but he is dating him"

"Your sure about that?"

"He had his tongue down his throat sky.! what more do you need."

"Maybe he doesn't know about him?" I looked to Liam

 "I thought about that there is a chance he doesn't know anything but that's unlikely and I'm going to figure it out."

"How?"I smiled at Alex she looked better she must of had a nice nap

"I'm going to do the only thing i can, I'm going to make him trust me, love me, tell me and then get rid of him"


"Don't." I nodded mainly to myself and went up to my room waiting for Niall to get home. I laid down on my bed thinking how i was going to do this. It wont be easy now after he knows i don't like him and after my move in the bathroom making him think i like him wont be easy. I guess ill say sorry and become his friend maybe grovel a little if i have to.  Ill do whatever it takes i guess i just need to know. I sat there for what seemed forever thinking different scenarios in my head nothing seemed right. Finally i heard someone climbing up the stairs. I hurried and opened my door looking around there he was he looked at me for a minute then went to his door.

"Niall?"He froze clearly shocked i was even talking to him.

"What?" his thick Irish accent echoing through the hall.

"I uh..I wanted to say sorry."

                                                           (NIALL'S POV)

I watched Sean walk away my head spinning. Why in the world did he just kiss me then walk away like it was nothing? Did he think it would make it more of an epic thing? Well i didn't i don't like being confused. I didn't think he liked me in that way more importantly I'm not sure if i like him that way. Sean seems like a real great guy but something off with him and i don't understand it. Maybe its because he don't talk much about himself so i basically know nothing about who he is or it could be the look he has in his eyes when he thinks I'm not paying attention and for some reason i feel like if i would allow myself to like him back it would get in the way of something else like i would be hurting someone which is impossible since everyone i had is dead the only friend i have is him. Suddenly fear ran through my body. If i told Sean i didn't like him that way would he stop being my friend would i be alone again? That might be selfish of me to think but everyone needs someone and he is my someone weird looks an all. I sighed turning on the engine and riding home ill think this all over later i didn't want to think right now i would end up in a ditch somewhere if i did. When i got home the lights were all out with no sound once again its a weird thing to me being alone I'm not us to it but i guess its best for me here because clearly these aren't people that i should be friends with anyways. I climbed the stairs i heard a door open i looked around and seen zayn standing there i looked at him for a moment then headed for my door I'm not in the mood for him his comments and rudeness.

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