Chapter 16

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I am dedicating this chapter to, UShouldSmileItsFun. Loved the comment thank you :) I'm glad you enjoyed it. Ill keep dedicating to you lovely people. :)


This is mainly a filler until the end lol. Sorry in advance lol. Still hope you like it. Enjoy!


            (ZAYN'S POV)

I couldn't get the words he spoke out of my head.

'In the end i will take his life sense he took mine. I will kill him zayn even if its that last thing i ever do."

couldn't let him go through with this. I just don't know how to stop him to make him see that when he pulls the trigger it will haunt him for the rest of his life. He wont let me in for me to even try to warn him. If i said it to him now it would go straight over his head. He wants this more then anything. This blond sleeping angel wants revenge. Revenge is a scary thing. When you want revenge there is nothing you want more. Not sleeping or eating not even living. It goes through you just like blood. It controls you and your actions you never get a say. Its what makes you move from one day to the next.  Your mind is set on one goal and nothing else. Everything that happens in between means nothing its forgotten. Revenge is a strong and dangerous thing, And this boy cradled in my arms is not fit for the outcome of it all. Once he pulls the trigger it will be the end for him. He wouldn't know how to live after it. Hes not fit to hurt someone let alone kill them. Niall is the kind of person who loves even when there's nothing there. He finds that one ounce of good in a person and hangs onto it like its his last hope. I wouldn't let him leave me last night afraid of what he would do when he was alone. I couldn't let myself fall asleep afraid he would run away. What I'm really scared of is when he wakes up all i can do is ask him not to leave. I know i have no right its my fault he is with Sean to begin with. I pushed him that far and now he knows the rest. I know that everything that happen to him since he got here is on me and if he does kill Sean that's on me to. Ill be the reason the life leaves his eyes again. I didn't know what to do so i sat there looking at his now Innocent sleeping face. I didn't realize the sun come up or the time pass by i didn't realize anything until i felt him stir.

"You know starring at people while they sleep is creepy."His morning voice was deep and hoarse his accent strong.

"Sorry I was just waking up to."He nodded finally opening his eyes. He looked to clock on the wall then to the door. I knew what was coming and i knew i would to stop him.

"So why don't we hang out today? We can go get food and everything."He looked at me for a moment.

"You know i cant do that zayn."He got up but i grabbed his wrist.

"Stay with me Niall. Don't go"

"I cant."He said shaking his head pulling on his arm.

"Why not?"I demanded feeling a little angry.

"Because i have other things to do."

"But.."He cut me off

"No zayn don't, I'm going and you know what? I don't think you should be worrying about hanging out. That fucker has your mother worry about that. Go do what normal gangs do, plan and attack. Not unless you forgot she was gone?"He whipped his arm from mine leaving me dumbfounded. Of course i knew she was gone, I had plans in action. I know he wont hurt her he needs something from me and knows no matter how badly he wants to he cant hurt her if he wants me to hand it over. What kind of person does he think i am? I don't forget family specially my mom does he think so badly of me? Course he does i given him ever reason to. I looked around the hotel room pissed. I have to look after my family starting with getting them a home.

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