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There are particular nights when Hae Young couldn't sleep, no matter how tired or worn she was for the day. Sometimes she would just find herself staring at the ceiling of her bedroom, and then she would often find that it stares back too. She's already memorized all the stains and cracks on her ceiling. The water stain at the center, and the cracks in the corners. But tonight, the new view of the ceiling was different. No water stains, but just a slight crack running from one side to the other. And it wasn't painted white, but a dull type of grey that made the room dark despite when the lights were on. Despite the ugliness of her own ceiling, she kind of misses the sight of it during her sleepless nights, so she turns to her side instead where the silhouette of a sleeping man greets her. Her lips curve up to a content smile. Though it was dark, she could see the outline of Sang-woo, where she had already memorized his very form by heart.

His breath was steady and rhythmic, in deep sleep as he let out soft snores with every breath. He was peaceful at the moment, with a stray strand of hair covering his eyes. With gentle hands, Hae Young reaches to brush it away. He slightly shifts at the touch. She smiles.

Hae Young shifts so that she is completely facing him now, holding back the temptation to just wake him up and pepper him with kisses right then and there. Has he always been this adorable? Perhaps, but only when he was asleep, or in the mornings when he was just half-awake and his hair was sticking all over the place. She places her warm palms on his cheeks as she caresses them with her thumb, almost autonomously as if it had been second nature. With her touch, he softly wakes with a low sigh.

"You're awake." He whispers raspily, as lazily brings his hand up to hers, holding her soft hands in place. As if it were a wake-up greeting, he softly kisses the palm of her hand.

"Couldn't sleep?"

"No." Hae Young whispers. He replies with a low hum, shifting on the bed as he lazily pulls her close. Though this time, it was him who peppered her with soft kisses. She giggles as he encases her closer and tighter to him.

"That won't help me fall asleep--"

"--I'll keep trying, anyway." He smiles softly, peppering kisses all the way to her shoulder. It was soft and lazy, trailing back to her neck and then to her jaw where he stops and buries his head to the crook of her neck where she feels him lulling back to exhaustion.

Hae Young brings her hands to his head, playing with his soft locks as he sighs into her shoulder.

"I didn't mean to wake you."

"I know. I don't mind." He whispers. "I can stay up with you if you'd like."

"If you don't fall asleep that is." She retorts.

"I won't." He says, but a yawn came after it. He hugs her even closer. "I can stay up until sunrise. You'll see."

"Mhm." She hums, saying nothing else as she brushes her fingers through his hair with such gentleness and ease, the two reverting back into comfortable silence.

They stayed that way for the rest of the night. Sang-woo never let go, and it made the silence a lot less lonelier. He was warm and everything that made her sleepless nights bearable. Though when sunrise came, Hae Young only chuckled softly where, in her arms, Sang-woo had drifted back into deep sleep.


There was heavy silence.

"Are you serious?" Mi-nyeo laughs cynically. "Are you fucking serious."

"Hey," She approaches Hae Young with the same desperation she displayed in the waiting room. "You promise to play fair, right? I mean, what have you got to lose anyway?"

EGOIST (Sang Woo x Fem!OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now