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The day came. All four players stood by the center of the room, Hae Young standing on one good leg. The candelabra had been long gone, its wax completely melted and nonexistent, calculated as if to last only the night. Hope dwindled at the buzz of the door, the bright fluorescent lights, at the sight of a pink guard lining up in front of them.

"Greetings." The square-painted guard speaks. "The next, and final game will be played in two teams consisting of only two people each." He explained.

"You will be given ten minutes to decide on a partner. Once you have selected a partner, a handshake is a must to confirm your mutual selection."

Hae Young and Sang-Woo give each other worried looks as the pink guard repeats the instructions one last time for clarity's sake. Meanwhile, Deok-su did not look pleased at all.

"That's not fair. The three of them have formed a fucking alliance!" He yelled. "That's not fair to me!"

"I repeat." the guard said firmly. "With this being the final game. It will be played by two teams with two members each." He said. "Alliances that are formed will be none of our concern. So long as you have chosen a partner under the time frame of ten minutes, you are free to proceed with the game."

"And what if I don't?"

"As I said." The guard repeats himself, gracing Deok-su with his ever so ominous patience. "This is the last and final game that is required to be played by teams of two."

"In other words." Sae-byeok translates for him. "If you don't play you die for good."

There was a scowl on his face, as pink soldiers backed away to give the players some time and space to think, the countdown from ten minutes began.


Secrets after secrets, everything piling up like the bills on her coffee table, untouched, unwanted. Though it all led her at this point, running, begging, getting pushed around. It's the last time she'll ask for an extension of the deadline, when she had just jost her current job is is just living off the graciousness of others who looked out for her--Mrs. Kang, Mrs. Cho--

"Sang-Woo--" She spoke to the phone, but it just kept ringing. False hope, she thought as she turned into an alleyway subverting the men hot on her heels. She curses to herself. She can try again later.

Everything was a rush and a blur, this sudden outburst of being hunted down and demanded for money that she owed-- money that had to owe them. She ran out time in a job that did not pay her much, at a time in which her father desperately needed the money for new equipment just to let him live. And now, she's further down into the well of despair and desperation, with no way out but up. But she couldn't climb up-- no one's given her a ladder.

She tries again with Sang-Woo's phone, waiting for the passive ring until nothing comes up. "Damn it, Sang-Woo. I know you're on a business trip, but come on!" She hissed, finally rounding the corner as she found herself in the train station.

Fuck, she is out of breath. She couldn't keep running. And she needs someplace where no one would ever find her, not in Mrs. Cho's, not in her apartment. An idea pops into her head, desperate and a bit brash, but she will explain everything to him later.

Using all the cash she had left in her arsenal, she buys one train ticket that would take her to Yeouido. And maybe once he picks up his phone, she'll finally tell him everything she's been hiding.

EGOIST (Sang Woo x Fem!OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now