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The game that had been set up was all flashing lights and a hundred-foot drop to their deaths, where this time, unlike Tug-of-War, the drop below them was no longer the abyss but checkered flooring where players had already fallen to their death. Hae Young could no longer count the bodies, mind focused on surviving as she carefully watches the nimble leaps of those before her and Ali. It was only when Sae-byeok had leapt to the second pane when Hae Young finally took her first. The glass beneath her bare feet was cold and felt fragile, no doubt. The view beneath her was one that she wishes she didn't have to look at all the time, of her possible inevitable death, and she could not decide whether or not it was a better sight than a hundred-foot drop into the endless void.

11 was already leading at this point. 10 people had already fallen within the first eleven minutes. With Deok-Su breathing down his neck, the pressure on the man was unbearable.

"Hey." Deok-su leaned onto him dangerously close. "If you don't move anymore, I'll push you off myself." He says.

They all look at the timer above. They had less than five minutes left.

"Hold on..." 11 says, eyeing each pane of glass carefully. "I think I can tell which is the tempered glass. It has a different color." He says hastily before taking a leap on the next stepping stone. He lands, the glass beneath him shatters. 11 falls to his death. Deok-su was now on the lead.

"What a fucking idiot..." He hisses beneath his breath. "Different colors my ass."

But now he was in front, leading the rest of the group to their victory, though now the pressure turns on him. This is what he had feared; the carelessness of a dumbass that resulted in his death. And now Deok-su had to finish what those before him had started. He hisses under his breath, turning to the rest of the people impatiently waiting for him to move. Their lives were on the line, too.

"Hey, you fucking assholes! I'm not taking another step!" He yelled, chest blaring as he stood rigid in his place. Though it was clear that his legs were trembling from fear. Hae Young almost scoffed. What a fucking joke. Though Sang-woo cursed under his breath, checking the time. Their five minutes had gone to four, counting down.

"We don't have fucking time for this!" He hissed.

"If you want to go, you can go first!"

12, who stood behind him, cursed him under his breath, staring warily at the ground hundreds and hundreds of feet beneath them.

"The rule is we go by order." 12 says sternly.

"Fuck that." Deok-su cursed at him. "This is hell. There are no rules in hell. If you're dying to go, then you go first!"

"If you don't move, I'll push you off myself!"

"Then come at me!" Deok-su yelled. "You can try and push me off, but I will bring you down with me!" He turns to everyone else. "I'm not dying for any of you assholes!"

"The time is ticking!" Sang-woo yells. "So if neither of you go first, we're all going to die."

12 swallows a lump in his throat, sighing as he finally makes a decision.

"Fine." He hissed. "I'll do this myself."

He takes the leap, standing on the same pane as Deok-su, careful as to not let them both fall. 12 takes a moment, scrutinizing the panes before him before taking another leap. He jumps, he lands, the glass does not shatter and he does not fall. To everyone's surprise, he was still standing.

"That's it." Deok-su hissed. "Now go for another."

"Shut up." 12 hissed back at him before crouching down real low.

EGOIST (Sang Woo x Fem!OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now