first impressions

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y/n pov
Ned and I walk out of maths and into their next class English which was just down the hall. 'so why did you get moved back from Russia' ned asks as we walk to the assigned seats

'uh the foster parents that i had decided to give me up' i explained i couldn't tell ned that i had been given up too be trained to be an assassin for a couple years.

'oh im sorry' ned looks guilty for asking.

'dude its fine its in the past. At least im back in new york' i saw with a weak smile. The teacher looks up to me and ned. Giving me a suspicious look. The teacher adds something about hating new kids. Inevitably she continues talking about English stuff. When the class goes back to working on their assignments the teacher comes up to me.

'here.' She hands me a 7 page sheet. ' answer the questions and write an essay. Due Friday' she smiles sarcastically and walks back to her desk. I look through the booklet and turn to ned.

'what is this shit' i ask. He laughs i had never been good a English. 'hey its not funny' i laugh quietly with him. We receive a glare from the English teacher making us shut up instantly. We continue to chat quietly ned catching me up on is life. I just listen, i had missed a lot. The bell rings an hour later. And we head to lunch.

Neds pov
I walk into the cafeteria with y/n by my side. We walk up to the lunch lady and i grab my food paying after. y/n just follows behind. I decide to not question it for now. I spot peter and mj sitting at the good table near the window in the back. I smile and walk over to them.

'hey guys this is y/n'. peter looks up from his food his mouth full. He swallows and introduces himself and goes back to his food. Mj looks up from her book surprisingly her lips curl into a small smirk, 'sup loser'. y/n smiles she had never had a girl friend and i could tell these two were gonna be good friends. y/n looked at the book mj was reading Circe which i new y/n was obsessed with. she continued to look at the book, the bookworm sensed someone watching her and looked up once again. Mj already knew the look 'you've read it??' she stated more than questions. 'uh yeah. I finished it in a day'.      'this is my forth time reading it' mj smirked

y/n and mj continued to have a deep conversation about different Greek myths such as pandoras box and the goddesses and gods. I smiled to myself this was gonna be great. About half way through peter decided to strike a conversation with y/n.

'so y/n where are you from' he asked ' im Russian but have grown up in new york most of my life but went back to Russia about 4 years ago just came back to new york a week ago.' y/n finished. Mj who had been surprisingly engaged in the conversation asked 'do you speak russian??' . y/n smirked 'Отвечает ли это на ваш вопрос' (does this answer your question). 'оно делает' (it does) mj finishes. at this point both peter and i had our mouths to the floor 'you both speak russian??' we ask shocked even i didnt know y/n spoke russian. the girls turned towards each other and said in unison 'мальчики' (boys) both girls have a small smile.

3rdperson pov
lunch ended and the group went to physics. mrs warren greeted y/n and they all took their seats. mj and y/n were having conversations in russian so the boys couldn't eavesdrop after they were questioned on why they were discussing top 3 most efficient ways to hide a body. half way through the teacher asked a hard question everyone was stumped even peter. after looking around y/n put her hand up. 'uh i wanted to give someone else the chance to solve it but i know the answer if everyone is stumped' y/n said looking at the teacher. 'oh go a head y/n' the teacher answered surprised 'uh well mass cancels out so its just bla times bla (a/n i forgot the actual things) the class is shocked.

'how could u do that new kid. i couldn't even do it' y/n turns to her friends and whispers 'flash?' 'flash' they respond ned and mj had told them about him today. 'well eugene maybe it is because i got smarts not daddy's money.'  y/n smirks flash gets his index finger and pulls it from one side of his neck to the other and finnished the action by pointing at her. the class finnished half an hour later and they all went to pe which suprisingly they all had together. 

peters pov
'ok class today we are starting a new unit of swords play' i could see mj and y/ns eyes light up as they payed more attention to the teacher. long story short both girls absolutely smashed their opponents and had a lot of tricks up their sleeves.

((—time skip to the end of school—))

the last bell rung and all the students pilled out of the doors. the four of us walked out of the doors last. we had all exchanged numbers at lunch and decided to chat later. ned went the opposite direction whilst y/n mj and i all went the other. i was talking to y/n about her favourite subject an mj was nose deep in another book. at least 4 times y/n had pulled her from the path of pedestrians.

i arrived at my apartment complex and said goodbye to my friends.

y/n pov
mj and i continued walking until we came outside her house i waved bye and headed to the park for a while.

i pull out my phone to see a couple notifications. i was informed i had been added to 2 new group chats but decided to check those. after i texted nat.

spider mom
hey how was school
and tell me stuff not just the
It WaS GoOd or ScHoOl Is ScHoOl

it was good
but i made 2 newfrinnds caught up with an old one and shocked 3 teachers and annoyed more.

nats pov
i had texted the kid when most schools in the area had finnished wanting to know how it went. when i looked up i saw clint staring at me. i knew that look. 'what do you want' i ask raising an eyebrow. 'nothing' he smirked. i sighed not caring enough to question that is when i got a notification that i was added to a group chat. i looked up at clint who looked guilty. i tapped the notification and it took me to messages.

kid was added to the conversation

if looks could kill clint would be dead.

a/n  here is the next chapter ik it is like a day late soi will probably pst another tonight and as always see our in the next chapter.

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