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3rd person pov

2 days later y/n was finally well enough to get back to school, she was happy to be able to see her friends again well her other friends she was stuck with peter everyday. They had a week until the Christmas holidays so school wasn't the worst as most assessments had finished. Peter and y/n after getting dropped off rushed inside to the warm school. Natasha was very clear that y/n had to stay indoors as to not get sick again.y/n followed nats orders not wanting to get introuble and have to listen to steves war storys or worse rodes war machine storys. On top of that Wanda was getting back from her mission today it had gone well and no one get seriously injured she would be home by the time y/n would be home from school and y/n had prepared a movie marathon for this evening. First they were gonna watch the hunger games then harry potter and then wanda insisted on watching home alone 1 and 2 bc the others apparently sucked. y/n had never watched it but if wanda liked it she was willing to watch it. y/n was aware they were not gonna finish all the movies but still liked to have an idea of what they wanted to watch. It takes like 8 hours to watch all of the hungergames and like 20hrs to watch harry potter let alone adding the home alone movies. y/n came to the conclusion this was gonna be a couple day marathon.

The pair meet their friends in the hall next to neds locker, they greet eachother and head to class.

Time skip to the end of school

y/n and peter had to catch the subway home because the avengers were in a meeting but they didn't mind having caught it many times. On the subway they were in the quiet carriage the regular ones being to loud for their senses. (idk how loud new York trains are in Australia or at least where im from they are dead silent unless some old lady is on their phone or a group of eshays are there) it was quite packed and not so quiet which the teens were already getting a headache from just 5 minutes on the ride. Suddenly 5 or 6 men dressed in all black walked into their carriage. most people shut up instantly intimidated by their look and the not so well hidden guns in their waistbands but peter and y/n just looked at eachother recognising there looks and logo. The duffle bag one of the men held, and the way these men carried themselves, there posture was impeccable.

'hydra' y/n says quietly barley audible peter hears and nods. When the train stopped one of the men pulled out a gun and shot the roof. Everyone screamed and rushed to get out of the small space. Most left their bags one mother left their child. Why people were in a rush peter and y/n were helping guide many people that had froze and not fled to get out of the space not caring about the glares the men were sending their way.

'boss its them' peter hears one of them say y/n hears this to and both of them try to get off the train quickly only to get a bag thrown over both their heads, the cart has now resumed going as the cart is empty. y/ns hands begun glowing red as she found a seat to kick off and wrap her legs around the buff mans neck meanwhile peter had flipped himself up to get on the roof of the subway trying to pry the guys hands off the bag that was subtly chocking him. But before anything could benefit their escape collars were placed around the pairs necks as gas filled their hooded heads. Peter fell unconsciously to the floor y/n sliding off the man when her legs loosened form his neck falling to the floor aswell.

The agents grabbed the teens by their ankles and dragged them out of the carriage as soon as it stopped. Security tried to stop them but to no use as 2 of the guys held them back beating them to a much much worse state they regroup at the bottom of the stairs and walk up to what we assume was their van, y/n and peters heads bounced as they were dragged over each step. They throw the bodys into the van taking a quick glance around to make sure no one saw they quickly got in and drove off.

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