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Wandas pov

I pull y/n around new York to a street full of different restaurants from around the world, 'what do you want to eat?' i turn to her smiling she smiles as well

'i honestly have never had this much choice before you pick' im a bit saddened but look around at the options. I notice a nice little Vietnamese place on the corner and y/n follows my line of sight. 'i would love some ricepaper rolls right now' y/n comments. I smile squeezing her hand and we walk over to the place. We are quickly seated with menus in our faces,

3rd person pov

The couple sit in a nice window seat at the front of the restaurant looking over the menus as it begins to get dark. A waiter comes over with long straight bangs and amazing makeup, 'hey im jay what can i get you guys tonight?' he smiles.

'uh ill have the chilli chicken ricepaper rolls thank you' y/n smiles, jay writes it down on his notepad

'and for you?'

'ill have the chicken noodle salad, thanks jay' wanda smiles

'is that all?' he questions they nod.

'oh wait btw i love your makeup' y/n smiles

'really thanks that means alot' jay smiles and walks away

'y'know wanda your really lucky' y/n comments playing with a napkin on the table

'hmm' wanda turns to y/n retreating her gaze from the soft sprinkle of snow outside the window. 'why is that princessa' y/n blushes and elaborates

'you don't have to go to school' y/n groans at the thought of the prison, wanda chuckles

'neither do you' wanda comments

'hmm what do you mean' y/n looks up at wanda seeing if there is a loophole out of hell.

'you ace everything and im pretty sure your smarter than tony, besides the only reason i don't have to is bc i was taught in hydra u were taught in the redroom correct?' wanda explains

'yeah, and good point imma pass that with tony, maybe make a power point' y/n smiles

'you should do that'

'i will' y/n smiles handing the origami swan to wanda she smiles gladly accepting it.

Jay walks over with their food, 'im sorry but are you guys dating?' he asks they nod 'i thought so i saw the tik tok' he comments, placing the food on their table. They look at eachother confused

'tiktok? What tik tok' wanda asks, jay pulls out his phone and shows them a video of the two ice skating finishing with the kiss the caption read -when your single and the world rubs it in your face- y/n chuckles and wanda blushes.

'you guys are so cute' jay complements. Then begins to walk back to the counter.

'never thought i would be in a tik tok video' y/n comments taking a bite of her ricepaper roll. Wanda smiles and begins to eat her food.

*Silent eating and the sound busy streets*

They finish up, y/n defiantly had had better rice paper rolls but didn't comment as wanda seemed to enjoy it. They paid ,thanked jay and left hand in hand waking down the street. Its quite dark now but the streets were lit up as if it was day. New York wasn't the most romantic place but with the right person anywhere could.


still not 100% so i  apologise if this is shit  

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