dinner with a twist

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y/n pov

i continued to talk about wanda and about 30 minutes later Friday announced that dinner had arrived. We all walked out from where we were but found no food. Suddenly the elevator door opened to reveal kady. 'if you'll follow me dinner is up stairs' she said everyone got in the elevator peter waited with the others so i could talk to kady.

'it isn't at the penthouse is it?' i question dreading the answer kady doesn't respond just looks at me however her eyes give me the answer and i groan glaring at her

'hey it wasn't my idea' kady surrendered putting her hands up. I roll my eyes and the doors open to reveal the avengers dining room, everyone slowly walks out and i hang back. The rest of the class arrives and we all get seated. That kate chick was siting next to clint i herd their conversation briefly, kate was saying something around

'you have 4 more dangerous arrows than that' lint nodded. I look over at my class and they are talking and smiling a bit more comfortable around the heroes after spending hours with them.

'i bet i can finish my taco before you' sam challenges

'your on' bucky accepts stuffing his taco into his mouth. I roll my eyes and look around, not finding the king and princess.

'wands wheres shuri and t'challa?' i question turning to my girlfriend

'wakanda needed them' she replys, i nod and go back to my food, i wasn't that hungry and the portions in America are so large. I grab wandas hand under the table sitting back in my chair playing with her fingers and rings, she turns and smiles at me before going back to her food.

'not hungry?' i lift my head to look at the source of the voice. I see nat looking at me. I shake my head.

'no not really' she nods, leaving it alone for now, flash being his obnoxious self decides to ask a question.

'Mr stark do you have any teen interns' he smirks looking at peter and i, i roll my eyes. Flashes ego is bout to be crushed.

'yes eugene i have two, peter and y/n i thought you knew that' he answers taking a sip of his drink 'you applied did you not?' tony is the one smirking now. Flash sinks back a bit and nods. Flash fully shuts up after being at a loss for words when everyone finds out he didn't make the cut to be an intern.

'have fun today?' steve asks the class, the ones who are eating nod while others respond with yes's and yeah's. 'good' after a while i get thirsty, i take a look around and see a bottle of peach ice tea on the bench. I slip away from the table quickly grabbing it and sitting back down. I open the lid and drink it.

'hey i was gonna drink that' clint says. I look at him dead in the eyes and procced to drink more of it, wanda, nat, tony, peter, mj, and Pietro stifle a laugh as clint pouts. When i put the drink down i stick my tongue out at him, childish i know but who cares.

'ms y/l/n, you cannot do that to an avenger' my teacher cuts in i was about to make a comment back when nat steps in

'she can so do that' she says looking at the 40 y/o man, somehow the balding teacher got sudden confidence and talked back

'and why is that' he questions smirking

'because shes my kid and lives here' nat says pissed. The classes mouths hung open some happy for me some shocked, flash was pissed.

3rd person pov

'why would poor orphan y/l/n live here' did flash want to die. 'next youll tell me shes dating the scarlet witch' he smirks knowing he is wrong and waving a hand in her direction

'id tell you, you would be right' wanda smirks her accent thick pulling y/n in for a kiss, y/n was shocked at first but soon melted into it. y/n could here her friends and class cheer. She pulls away smiling where tony looks furious. Flash looks so pissed his face slightly red his hands in fists on the table. Flash calls them the f slur and continues to insult both peter and y/n

'FRIDAY contact Eugene Thompsons parents tell them he needs to be picked up and teacher do i need to call your parents as well or can you find your own way home, cause you have both been kicked out' tony finishes a lot of the class smiles happy these people are finally gone and get back to their food now free to talk to any of the avengers. Less than 5 minutes later flashes dad comes to the room, everyone slightly tenses,

'EUGENE YOUR IN SO MUCH TROUBLE YOUNG MAN' he calls grabbing flash and pulling him away. 'im so sorry mr stark please don't sue' the man pleads. As he leaves tony begins to smile. the teacher had already left and the atmosphere was calm. After everyone finishes peter and y/n get up and grab everyone's dishes.

'how many times will i have to tell you guys. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO THE DISHES' nat rolls her eyes wanda float the two back over to the table as sam and steve go and do the dishes. Everyone laughs and says their goodbyes going back down to their floor. Today was a good day.


i just have some questions becuase why not

1. what is your favorite song and or artist

2. whats your favorite colour 

3. what is your favourite comfort food

4. what is that 1 persons name for example you want to rip their head off or you like their presence etc etc that person what is their name

5. if you like to read what is your favorite book

6. what is your favorite movie it doesnt have to marvel

7. what is your favourite universe

8. if you could be fluent in another language which one 

9. ducks or pigeons 

10. would you die without music 

as always thank you and see you in the next chapter

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