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3rd person pov

The girls went to many more shops buying a lot of whatever. y/n was starting to get bored of shopping. Like how do people do this all day. Her feet hurt she was thirsty and just wanted to sit down. She felt bad for how much money was spent on her it wanst much but the others didn't seem bothered.

'how much longer' y/n groaned as she was pulled into another shop. The others just laughed wanda linked arms with her making her smile and slowly follow. Everyone had around 4 bags on each arm it was mainly clothes so it wasn't heavy. y/n on the other hand only had 2 bags. 'ok at least can we get some ice cream' y/n offers motioning to an icecream shop that no one realised had opened everyone agrees and goes over to the ice cream place.

Time skip about 30 minutes

Nat promised 1 more shop to which everyone agreed to they had a lot in their hands. They reached dymocks and everyone smiled. Almost all the girls in the tower loved reading. Yelena not so much but if she found the right book she wouldn't be able to put it down.

y/ns pov

when nat said that there would only be 1 more shop i smiled especially happy that it was a book shop. I strayed from the group and went to find a lot of books. I had an entire list on my phone as books i wanted to buy. Of course i wouldn't buy them all there was like 67 ill buy a few tho.

I looked around and found my favourite section. I walked up to the book i wanted happy that it was still in stock. I picked up the first Magnus Chase book smirking as i read the blurb on the back. I figured they could be Annabeths cousin because of the last name. i bought the first one but taking a photo of the other two to make sure i got them when i was done this. I stayed in the rick Riordan section grabbing the newest trials of apollo book i haven't got the chance to read it yet but im exited on how it will go. I think there is something about piper in it.

I grab a few more books from different authors and meet up with everyone. We pay and leave the loud place.

Tonys pov

I finished designing this years Christmas pyjamas and lets just say they were spectacular. I send the design to the company and they say the order should be here in about 2 days. I smile and go up to the kitchen. Once i get their i see bucky trying to help peter make gingerbread for tonights challenge. I laugh when i see them confused

'what the hell is this?' i hear peter question.

'Language' steve says from the couch when steve turns back to face the tv peter sticks his tongue out at him to which i chuckle at.

Wanda pov

I watch as everyone gets back into the car and y/n is quick to pull out one of her new books and curl up on her chair diving into the plot. I laugh and drink my water looking in front of me i see nat leaning on marias lap they had put the middle seat back up which gave me a place to now put my feet. Pepper was talking to Yelena they were exchanging stories. Laughing when one of the stories was about her and nat as kids. Nat did not want anyone to hear that story.

'YELENA DON'T YOU DARE' nat warned as she recognised the events

'so we were playing this game outside with some other kids in ohio when-' she was cut of by nat smacking her head luckily they were at a red light so pepper wasn't distracted. 'ow that really hurt' Yelena complains stopping her story maria mouths to Yelena to tell her later to which the blond agreed to. I smile and look out the window. Without taking her eyes of her book y/n grabs my hand pulling it up to her lips and softly kissing my knuckles before interlocking our fingers. My smile grows as calm music plays in the backround.


shorter than usual. Ill probably post later today with another chapter.

I rearranged my room again today. I need another book shelf.

if you could add 1 thing to your room what would it be 

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