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3rd person pov

The group looks around the large room, it appears to do a full circle and the walls are filled with widows showcasing different aspects and avengers.

The class takes turns walking around the windows of each avenger. The windows had old suits, information, fun facts and many images. Most of the class went for captain America or thor but peter went to tony and y/n went to nat. mj followed y/n and ned went to iron man as well. still amazed by the fact his best friend was adopted by him. y/n admired the window for a while it was nice to see how people loved black widow, her old suit was displayed it was quite similar to the current one but with a couple changes, her first widow bites were on a rack some information, one of the fun facts was that someone named her favourite gun fanny with a sticker to prove it. It showed small parts of black widows past and many images from fights and around the tower. some quotes were in little quotation marks next to certain images, y/n moved to the next one across which was her girlfriends. Scarlett witch was in red text at the top, the display consisted of her headpiece and old suites, it had many photos and facts, including the one about how she almost killed the avengers. The case shows how stark killed her and her brothers parents and how they wanted to kill him but know wanda just kills him in smash bros. y/n was about to move to hawkeye when flash with his irritating voice filled the room.

'LOOK there is a spider man exibit and even a pyro one' everyone rushes over wanting to see the widows. Peter and y/n look at eachother and follow the crowd. They had not been informed of this, when they got there most of the crowd had moved on so y/n and peter, mj and ned all walked up to firstly look at spider mans window looking at the obviously new entries. The display shows peters pyjama suit and it was quite a change to his current one. His old web shooters and some prototypes for his spider drone all sat around it, photos from patrol however none in the tower considering no one knew his identity. while mj was reading the facts she smirked.

'your afraid of spiders?' she chuckles.

'okay you get bit by a radio active spider and you tell me what you feel about them after' peter protests, they all just laugh moving to y/n's,

'you and peter are the best a karaoke?' ned questions. They just shrug. 'and y/n you're the best at Mario cart beating black widows high score' y/n nods smirking. Her case is similar to the others with her old suit the black pants with a black turtle neck and black jacket, bit much but it was easy to move around in. y/ns old gloves were on a rack and showed the burns on the palms signalling her first time using the power with gloves, many photos on patrol were on the walls, some things y/n says a lot were next to smaller pictures, she even notices her prototype of her watch in there as well. This makes her remember that she is currently wearing her finished watch. The other night when everyone went to sleep and surprisingly tony was out y/n went down to the lab to finish the watch. Outlines of her powers were on one side and they told to be like the scarlets witches powers which she didn't mind at all they weren't wrong. the four are looking around until kady comes up to them. Standing just behind the teens slightly taller then them.

'did stark tell you guys about the new exhibits?' she questioned they shook their heads turning to look at the older employee. Kady and olivia and another intern were the only people who know the vigilantes identities, the teens turn back to the windows that are right beside each other, kady nods looking at them herself. 'okay guys 5 more minutes before the next part of the tour' she announces looking around at everyone else in the group watching as the class scrambles to finish looking at the next avenger they wish to see, the five continue to talk before kadys watch goes off and they all walk out of the museum.

'okay next is the Metics intern labs, half the group hops in the elevator with kady because the elevator could only have 12 people at a time and the tour guide leaves peter and y/n to instruct the rest. When the elevator comes back everyone gets in. the teacher is in this group and looks to the wall for buttons, y/n quickly notices and speaks up.

'uh there are no buttons but, FRIDAY please take us to the others' y/n speaks to the ceiling,

'of course little widow' she responds, then the elevator begins to move

'thank you ms Y/L/N' the teacher says having to thank her however he still didn't particularly like her and her friends.Flash is right next to y/n and peter and decides to speak up

'look idk how your doing this ,all this people knowing you n' stuff but it wont last long, your are lying and paying someone' he pushes pointing a finger at them before leaving to the corner because his goons went with the other group.

'okay don't get your nickers in a twist' peter responds the other stifle a laugh at flashs change of expression. From the corner

The doors open to the other group waiting for them, 'great just down this hall' kady leads. The group eagerly follows down. They stop out side the glass door and the group can see giant projects on everyones desks. 'no a lot of these things in here are very dangerous so no touching' kady informs. With her back to the door she opens it. The interns wip their heads up in the direction of he noise.


im finished assesments and exams now so i can hopefully post more. 

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