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Tw implied r@pe and @buse

y/n pov

2nd lunch is calmer as more people had gone home realising there is no use to being here. Me being the same i try to convince nat to let me come home

Spider mom (she still hasn't changed the contact)









Spider mom

What is it y/n?


so you reply to father?

Spider mom


but what do you need im in the middle off killing your uncle


ha nice which one and why

Spider mom


he ate the last of the ice cream i was saving AND hiding


wait the cookies and cream one?

Spider mom

Yea. Its mine.


i wanted that

with all means proceed

nats pov.

I was currently chasing clint through the halls because he ate the last of the ice cream. Yes it would take 10 minutes to get more but that isn't the point.

I was catching up to him as she was shovelling spoon fulls into his mouth as she ran. he runs past all the bedrooms and barges into the training room at the end of the hall. no one was there so the huge place was empty and echoey.

'let me at least have one spoonful' i try as he looks around for somewhere to go. he doesn't respond but looks over to the platforms and polls up in the ceiling that we installed so peter could practice swinging around others just liked climbing up there for the sake off it.

Clint smirks and swings up to the highest and furthest away platform. 'CLINT' i warn i really felt like that ice cream. I jumped up swinging on the lower polls matching him to get to the platform. before i kill him i chuck him my phone so he can read it.

'traitor' i hear him mumble smirking. he eats more keeping eye contact with me and i make my way over. There is about 2 spoonfuls left. I snatch the tub and make my way back down eating it.

3rd person pov

Once in her room nat opens her phone again to see what her child wanted


So what did you need daughter


1 did you get the icecream

2 can i go home


1 yes

2 no


What why

Please mom everyone is going home


No. stay at school


Fine but i would like icecream for when we get home.


That's doable


Great i will see you at the end of school :)

y/n pov

i turn off my phone and eat lunch. 'no luck' peter asks i shake my head eating another dumpling

'can one of u please tell me how it happened' i say wanting to know pointing to them holding hands, it was under the table and they thought i wouldn't notice. They both don't say anything. I smirk 'ill read you minds' i challenge

'NO no ill tell you' peter says mj blushes. I sit up straighter wanting the answers 's.. a.k.. .. ou.' Peter mumbles

'im sorry what was that' i herd him

'she asked me out' peter says louder blushing. I smile and high five mj over the table.

'ha wanda owes me 5 bucks'

'U BET ON US' peter says dropping his fork. I shrug

'well....' I start 'kinda. when wanda and i got together, and u said "you guys make me feel so single" i asked wanda who would make the first move bc she could tell you liked someone so we placed a bet. And i was right. She had full faith in you pete' i laughed they both blushed

The bell went and we all went our separate ways for math. Usually i would have it with ned but someone decided to not come today. I open the door walking in and i see Hayley or well ms walden. Just seeing her rotten face was enough to get the flashes back. I back out of the classroom and walk into mj's whos was closer than peters. I walk in going to sit next to mj she looks at me strange.

Mj pov

I just got to math and was sitting by myself towards the back against the side wall. I was just gonna read this session i may have joined if the class was gonna play kahoot everyone was deciding what to do when y/n walked in. i looked at her slightly concerned. Why wasn't she in class and why does she look like shes on auto pilot.

'y/n' i say softly, trying not to push her into a shutdown she doesn't reply and her hands begin to shake a bit under the desk. The teacher notices y/n and comes over.

y/n pov

Hayley. Now Hayley was a bad one. She was one of the foster parents i had back in Russia. Her and her male friends would bring me to the bar they all owned chain me up in a room and do things that a child should never have to experience. Most days i would wake up in the room again and have to dislocate my wrist to get out of the chains and make the painful trip home. Flashes of what happened clouded my thoughts. Faintly i herd my name i couldn't make out who said it.

Mj pov

The teacher came over and was talking to y/n or well trying. Luckily my maths teacher was also y/ns science so at least it wasn't a stranger. the teacher snaps her fingers infront of y/ns face and i knew this wasn't good. y/n gets up and leaves the class room. I look at the teacher and she nods so i run after y/n.

When i get out the door she isn't anywhere. She could have shut down in any room or place. I look around for any signs of her. finding none i call natasha.

'natasha i don't know where y/n is' i say still going around the school. 

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