sick again

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3rd person pov

As everyone left to go to sleep Nat picked up and passed y/n to wanda but in the process she felt how hot she was 'wanda, could you keep an eye on her she seems a bit hot' she mentions when wanda had y/n in her arms.

'sure nat' she responds with walking to her room. 'goodnight' she calls down the hall. At first this was made to annoy all avengers made up by the kids of the tower but now it is tradition to hear various groans of good night when everyone was going to sleep.

Wanda gets in bed with y/n who had shifted in her arms and was now hugging her like a koala, she lifts a hand to her girls head and feels that nat was in fact right and she was a bit hot. She decides to leave it for now and check up on her in the morning. She hopes y/n doesn't get sick because in the late morning tomorrow she has to go on a mission with clint and steve. She lets her mind rest and falls asleep much like the rest of the tower.

y/n wakes with a twisted feel in her stomach, she gets up from bed and rushes to the bathroom. She slides the door open running to the toilet as she feels it. She makes it to the toilet just in time, as she v0mits in the toilet, she tries to be as quiet as she can as to not wake wanda. After a couple minutes she is finished and goes back to bed. About 5 minutes later she feels the sickness again and jumps out of bed slightly hitting her toe on the door frame groaning on the way into the bathroom, she reaches the toilet just in time again to puke her guts out, suddenly she feels her hair being pulled back.

Wandas pov

I wake with a feeling that something is wrong, this theory is proven right we i see y/n is no longer with me in bed and the sound of someone vomiting runs through my ears. I leap out of bed rushing to the bathroom. i reach out and turn on the light to see y/n curled over the toilet looking pale as she hurls her guts out. I sit down next to her knowing she doesn't like people hovering over her, which is ironic because she is short. I pull her hair back holding it in a pony tail as i rub soft circles on her back. She leans back against the cold tiles looking pale as a ghost, her fever has worsened, deep bags under her eyes but the look in her eyes breaks me. 'hey buba' i whisper she smiles slightly before turning back to the toilet and throwing up violently. Suddenly the door swings open and nat walks in.

'hey it sounded like someone was throwing up are you guys alright?' she asks turning the corner to see us. Her expression changes to a bunch of emotions. y/n stops throwing up turning to lean back against me instead of the tiles.

'hey mom' she croaks i move the small strands off hair out of her face as i feel her tense muscles slightly relax. She smiles a bit up at me.

'do you want me to go get some water?' nat questions i look at y/n to find she is already looking at me and her face says it all.

'yeah that would be great thanks' i answer nat nods and leaves to get a glass of water. I smile softly down at y/n she closes her eyes and for a second i think she has fallen back asleep until she jolts up throwing up in the toilet once again. I get all her hair in my hand grabbing the hair tie off my wrist and tying her hair up. She rests her elbows on the toilet seat as her head hangs low.

'im sorry' she whispers this confuses me

'what, why are you sorry y/n' i ask rubbing her back

'im weak i got sick' she explains her voice low and dry she lifts her head spitting into some toilet paper and putting it in the toilet and flushes it. The feeling of sitting didn't help and she throws up again. I can see her sweating even though it is cold. When she finishes she coughs a few times before leaning against me again.

'hun your not weak for getting sick'i assure her, i can tell she doesn't believe me. I see a tear roll down her pale sweaty face. Nat walks back in with the water placing it on the ground next to us.

'i suggest having a bath singlet top and shorts but under blankets' nat tells us kissing y/ns forehead and making her back to the door. 'im guessing you have that covered wanda' she smirks, i smile and nod. Nat sends one last smile before leaving and closing the door. y/n tries to sit up but does so to fast resulting in her leaning over the toilet throwing the little food she has left up into it.

I pull her back lifting the glass to her lips, she parts them slightly and i pour the cold liquid into her mouth. She ends up downing the cup taking a deep breath and sinking into my chest. 'bath or shower' i question, y/n just groans 'bath it is' i decide since she vomits with just sitting up so standing up would be much worse. I begin to run a cold bath turning the lights down low since i notice y/n either with eyes squinting or closed. In the time it took for the bath to run y/n vomited a lot more. I felt bad since i had a mission tomorrow and had to leave her. maybe i could talk to steve to get out of it.

'are you ok with undressing or would you like help' i ask feeling the water and stopping the tap.

'help' y/n croaks settling in a short coughing fit after.

'of course love' i help her get undressed careful not to move her to fast, once im finished i gently lift her feeling her tense muscles and sweaty body. I gently lower her in she shivers a bit which is good but her body is still sweating. I would have joined her but to cold for my liking since its winter. I cup water in my hand pouring it over her running my hands through her hair. Suddenly she twists just in reach of the bin and proceeds to throw up. I rub my hand over her back until she finishes, she soon sinks back into the tub lifting her knees to submerge her face and chest.

After a bit i help her out wrapping her in a towel and carrying her back into the room. 'where do you keep your summer stuff bubs' i ask her making my way to her wardrobe.

Wanda y/n

Bottom draw on the right

Any preferences?


i grab a random set of summer pyjamas and bring them back over to her on the bed, 'help?' i ask she nods and i help her get changed. We get under the covers and i get my bin putting it next to the bed in case she needs it again. 'good night' i whisper by this time she was already asleep. Or so i thought. 'i love you' i smile kissing her head. What surprises me is that she responds

'i-*cough* i love you more' my smile grows and we fall asleep. Only to be woken a couple more times most of the time y/n didn't wake me, but i new it i could feel it.


you guys know in a book where everything seems to be going really well and everyone is reunited but the book isn't finished yet, yeah well...

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