day out

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Kaleb went off to work with maria at taco bell. Whereas Sage, kayla, Ethan bailey and i all walked around for a bit. We sat down on the grass near where i played the other day. The man wasn't their so i assumed he didn't go up today. We continue talking for a bit until all our stomachs rumbled in unison. My friends and i got up discussing places to eat. When i realised the man was walking back with the guitar however it was electric. I turn to my friends asking if they had any money. we had no money. I tell them to follow me. I walked up to the man. He smiled again and set up his camera. Before i played i asked my friends how much they needed. I wasnt going to order food, all that matters is that they have food. Ill sneak out tonight to get something with peter. They answered 20  so i decided on 4 songs. mentally make my list.

Left hand free - alt-j
Thrills – Spacy Jane
Take me out – Franz Ferdinand
Dear maria count me in- all time low

I finish my first song refocusing at the crowd around me. When i started the second song more of a crowed stopped to listen. I look at my friends Bailey is surprised i can play kayla is in awe, sage i knew loved this type of music, ethan is smirking. Once i get to the third song a hundred or so people had gathered to watch me mostly other teenagers.

i set the guitar down received my money and walked off to the group. And handed my friends the money.

'your not eating again?' Sage asked the rest of the group turned their heads confused and worried by the fact she said again.

'uh no im meeting up with some friends from school' i smiled weakly. In reality i was gonna go to a bathroom to clean up my wounds again however i didn't want to sound weak.

'ooo can we meet them' Ethan asks like a little kid. They all agree saying they wanna meet the people i spend my days with. I awkwardly agree saying i just have to ask my friends the location. I walk a bit out of earshot and call ned.

'hey y/n' he answers happily.

'uh hey ned could u like get peter and mj and meet me in the park near the cafe' i ask hopefully.

'sure y/n peter is here with me now and ill text mj be there in 10 but uh first why did you need us is something wrong?' He asks a bit worried

'oh its nothing bad i just have some people i want you guys to meet.' I respond

'great see you soon' ned finishes hanging up. I walk up to my friends from the orphanage and informs them they will meet us here they all smile happily and we sit down to wait. Ethan starts a short conversation again.

'so y/n have any other special talents' Ethan adds in the middle of the conversation. I answer yes just as mj, peter, and ned show up not wanting to say.

'hey y/n' peter says his cheeks having a light tinge of pink (a/n if no one objects imma do peter put ur decision in the comments)

'hey peter' i greet him. 'so guys this is ned, peter, and mj' i state pointing to each of them. I turn to the others an they introduce themselves.

Kayla's pov
After everyone is introduced we decide to go to grills for lunch. When we start walking i notice y/n get pulled away by mj she looks concerned. Mj reaches a hand to gently look at the bruise on y/ns face. I assume she is asking what happened y/n doesn't speak and just keeps walking. I have a feeling that mj knows what happened and decided not to push it. We all arrive to grills and sit down

3rdperosn pov
The large group sits at a family table and starts a conversation.

'so how long have you guys known eachother' bailey asks. (bla blab bla they do the regular first hangout talk)

y/n is laughing along with her friends when she gets a text. She pulls out her phone and looks at the text or more like texts. She had mainly muted the avengers groupchat however she reprogrammed her phone that if it went over 100 text in less than 5 minutes she would get a notification.

(a/n I honestly forgot the names i had so imma use their names)
Clint would you like to explain what you are doing in this video

Hey bucky bet me 50$ that i couldn't drink all that shampoo


You're the one farting bubbles.

She laughs quietly at her phone which blends in with the laughter of the others.

y/n pov
'so do you guys speak any other languages?' bailey asked with a smirk and the events from last night replayed in my head about the 17 languages i hid my face in which both sage an kayla noticed and laughed.

'peter speaks Spanish as well i don't and mj speaks French and Russian, and y/n i think only speaks russian' ned says i sigh knowing what both my friend groups are going to react.

'really? Is that true y/n' ethan asks smirking

'i hate you guys' i playfully punch their arms. 'uh hate to break it to you guys but i speak 17 languages' peter spits out his drink.

'and you never told us' ned asks.

'you never asked' i reply shrugging it off as their food came. mj noticed i didn't have any food and shared hers i tried to say she should eat it and i will survive but she didn't allow it. in the end i only ate a couple fry's she wasn't happy but was glad i ate something. The rest of the day was good. Both friendgroups having a great time and sharing things they had learnt about me their was only a few ned mj and peter didn't know but it was fun none the less. We pick up the kids and head back to the orphanage before curfew.

a/n hello people i feel like the quality had been down lately but o well. I just have so many ideas i wanna get out before i forget. but as always see you in the next chapter

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