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third person

after seungmin left, felix looked at the vampire, "did he seriously leave because im sitting on your lap?" jeongin sighed and nodded, "yeah. i dont think he's used to me not being right next to him 24\7."

felix nodded as he continued to eat. once felix finished his food, he stood up, "im gonna go talk to him. and see if i can fix this." jeongin grabbed the olders hips, "are you sure, love? i dont want you doing something you don't wanna do for the my sake."

felix smiled at the olders words, "im sure, sweetheart. if it makes you feel better, you can come with me?" jeongin shook his head, "i doubt he'd listen with me around." felix nodded and went to get his shoes on before leaving to find the witch.

which, you know, wasnt hard. felix picked up his scent rather quickly and ran to where the witch was.

the sparring circle.

seungmin was at the sparring circle, walking the track by it. felix walked up to him,"the sparring activities start in like an hour. but i only need 30 to talk to you." seungmin rolled his eyes, "leave me alone slut. jeongin doesnt deserve a slut like you."

felix rose an eyebrow, "how am i a slut?" seungmin chuckled. felix didnt like the lack of response and stepped forward once, "im not gonna ask again. how am i a slut?"

seungmin glared, "youre constantly around that wolf hybrid! its really suspicious!" felix laughed, "you... seriously think im cheating on innie with sungie?!" seungmin shrugged.

felix laughed again before talking. "sungie is my childhood friend, that much is true, but, were nothing more than like brothers. i would never hurt innie like that. even innie knows. thats why we arent arguing." seungmin bit his lip, "so.. you arent cheating on innie?" felix rapidly shook his head, "no! i would never do that to my mate. now i dont know of you have anymore problems with me, but i would like for us to stop arguing for innies sake. please."

seungmin rolled his eyes but nodded, "fine. but only for innie. i still hate you." felix rolled his eyes and nodded as well, before walking back to jeongin without waiting for the witch.

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