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Third Person

Felix was unpacking when Seungmin walked through the door. Seungmin looked at Felix and subtly gulped before going to unpack. Jeongin looked at Seungmin, "are you okay, hyungie?" Felix had his back turned towards them, and gripped onto the shirt he was holding. Seungmin nodded, and whispered, "our roommate is crazy."

That was the last straw for Felix, "if you have something to say about me, say it to my fucking face. Or are you too pussy of a witch to say anything to me?" Seungmin tensed up noticing that the shorter had such an angry tone to his voice. Soon there was a knock on the door. Jeongin walked to the door, looked at Minho, and said, "Lixie, your brother is here!" Felix finished hanging his clothes up and walked over to the door.

Minho looked at his younger brother, "you look angrier than earlier." Felix mumbled, "can we go for a walk? I'll tell you what happened earlier when we got here, and everything after that." Minho nodded, "sure. Come on." Both boys walked to the front of the school. Minho looked down at his brother, "So, Lixie, what happened earlier?" Felix looked down, "I think Jeongin is my mate, but I don't think I'm his...." Minho nodded, and what about in the office? When that witch showed up. You were glaring holes in his head, I thought you were gonna set him on fire or something." Felix looked down, "I knew the witch was a cocky shit, that's why I glared. I felt that he gets what he wants." Minho nodded, "are you sure its not because he's super close with Jeongin? You never threaten to burn anyone with your hell fire unless you really don't like them." Felix mumbled, "it's also because of that... I was able to hear the witch's thoughts. He wants to put a spell on Jeongin so Jeongin thinks the witch is his mate instead of me." 

Minho face palmed, then slapped Felix upside the head, "you idiot! Father didn't spend hours, days, and weeks training us on how to use our powers for you to feel overpowered by a witch younger than the both of us. You literally mastered hell fire before I did. Pull yourself together! You're literally the prince of hell!" Felix whined and rubbed the spot Minho hit, "why'd you hit me!" Minho chuckled, "Because you're a dummy." Felix pouted, "but you didn't have to deal with anyone being obsessed with your mate!" Minho chuckled, "Actually, yeah I did. His name is Seo Changbin. Kid was super obsessed with Hyunjinnie." Felix tilted his head a bit, "what'd you do?"

Minho chuckled, "slightly burned him with hell fire and the short shit went running to this pale fucker." Felix giggled, "wow, hyung." Minho noticed it was getting late, "Come on, we gotta go back to our rooms. Don't burn that witch with your hell fire just yet though. You don't want problems with you and Jeongin yet. Hyunjin is whining because I promised I'd be back in a few." Felix nodded and followed his brother.

When Felix got to his room, he walked in, and went to his bed. Jeongin looked at Felix, "are you okay?" Felix nodded, "I'm fine." He didn't mean to sound harsh, but it came out like that because Felix saw Seungmin in his lap. Seungmin saw how mad the shortest was and had to act like he wasn't scared. There was a side of him itching to start a fight with Felix to see if the shorter could back his words up. Seungmin debated and eventually decided to say something, "what's wrong, demon? Can't stand me?" Did Seungmin know the consequences of his actions? Yes. Did he stop there? No. Felix growled a tiny bit, "shut the fuck up, witch."

Jeongin frowned. Why does his best friend, and mate hate each other? Yes Jeongin knew who his mate was. Seungmin smirked, "Come on little demon. You said you're the prince of hell. Do something." Felix growled, "don't. I don't wanna burn anything." Felix thought, 'And I certainly don't want Jeongin to hate me.' Seungmin stopped there, as he came to the realization that, yes, if extremely pissed off, Felix will do what he said in the courtyard.

Jeongin looked at Seungmin, whispering, "why do you two hate each other?" Seungmin smirked, "I know something about him not a lot of people know." With that being said, a stuffed animal hit Seungmin on the head. Seungmin looked at Felix, only to see his eyes slightly red. 'Oh shit... I think I went to far...' Seungmin thought. Felix looked at Seungmin dead in the eyes, "I said shut the fuck up." Felix grabbed the clothes he usually wears when he needs to go let off some steam, and went to change in the bathroom.

When Felix changed, he walked towards the door, "I'll be back later tonight. If not, don't look for me." With that being said, Felix walked out and slammed the door shut. Jeongin and Seungmin flinched at the loud sound. Felix walked a safe distance from the school, and started punching the tress. Minho seen what Felix was doing and went to his room. Minho knocked on the door. When Jeongin opened the door, he looked at Minho, "sorry, hyung. Felix stepped outside." Minho nodded, "yeah. I know. I need to speak with your roommate. The witch." Jeongin nodded, "MinnieMin hyung! My brother's mate wants to talk to you."

Seungmin saw Minho and tried to run. Minho acted quick, and grabbed the witch by the collar, "Oh no you don't. Let's go for a walk. Now." Seungmin gulped, and nodded. Both boys walked out of the room. Minho looked at Seungmin, "I fucking warned you to not piss him off. You're lucky he stepped outside to let his anger out instead of burning you right then and there."

Seungmin nodded, "I know. I shouldn't have ticked him off like that.." Minho nodded, "damn right. I'm letting you off with one last warning. Felix? I'm not sure. It's up to him to decide since he's the one you're picking and poking at."  Seungmin nodded. Minho chuckled, "I know you cherish your life. If wanna keep living, back off Jeongin a bit. Felix will do something he always regrets in the long run if you keep pissing him off like this." Seungmin nodded, "can I go now?" Minho looked at him, "one more thing, it made him angrier, seeing you cuddled up to Jeongin like that." Seungmin nodded, and walked back to their room.

Jeongin looked at Seungmin, "is everything okay hyungie?" Seungmin nodded, "yea everything is fine." Jeongin nodded, "were you making Felix mad on purpose?" Seungmin looked down, "yea.. I was.. Are you mad at me?" Jeongin nodded, "a little." Seungmin frowned, "I'm sorry, Innie...." Jeongin looked away, "I'll think about forgiving you." Seungmin nodded sadly and sat on his bed.

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