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Third Person

Jisung looked at Felix, and says, "You have another roommate! I wanna meet them!" Felix looked away, and muttered, "I can barely tolerate him myself.. But sure." Felix grabbed Jisung's wrist, despite Jeongin's whines of protest, and walked towards where the witches train. Felix stopped right before the door way and scoffed, "this place reeks of Seungmin." Jisung sensed his best friend's anger and tried to calm him down.

Seungmin sensed the demon prince and walked towards the door. Felix seen Seungmin and glared, before muttering to Jisung, "make this quick, he pisses me off." Jisung nodded before looking at Seungmin, "hi! I'm Jisung, Felix's best friend, and birthday twin!" Seungmin snorted, "a werewolf hybrid?" Felix clenched his fist, "say one bad thing about Jisung, and you'll regret it." 

Seungmin chuckled, "you protect this hybrid with your life. Like he's your brother." Felix grabbed the collar of Seungmin's shirt and yanked him down, "I'll seriously burn you. Right here. Right now, you dumb witch." Jisung was watching how his best friend was getting pissed and protective over him. Jisung gently tapped Felix's shoulder, "Lixie? Why do you hate him so much...?" Seungmin smirked, "Because I almost hexed Jeongin into believing I was Innie's mate."

Jisung glared, and pulled Felix away, "Let me handle him, Lixie Pixie." Felix backed away as Jisung walked forward, "here's a little insight on demon princes: they're very territorial. Much like werewolves, but worse. And Felix doesn't like it when people mess with his mate. I'm sure he's gotten close to burning you with his hellfire. He's a lot stronger than his brother, but because his brother is older, his brother has to be next in line for the throne." Felix smirked, seeing Seungmin lose all cockiness he was feeling, and muttered, "the cocky witch is scared now. Good. Don't do that shit again." 

Seungmin nodded, "I'm still gonna be his friend." Felix nodded, "just don't act lovey dovey with him, that's my job." Seungmin gulped. Jisung and Felix walked away. Jisung looked at Felix, "when does hyung have to go back to hell?" Felix thought for a second, "I believe he said once the school year was halfway over, he has to go back to prepare for his coronation. I gotta leave a few months after he does." Jisung grinned, "I heard all the princes from every kingdom will get to be there." 

Felix blushed, thinking of Jeongin in his castle. Felix gasped, "did you find your mate yet?" Jisung shook his head, "no..." Felix frowned, "I'm sure you will while you're here." Jisung shrugged, "maybe.." Felix giggled and poked Jisung's side, "who knows, maybe you'll have more than one mate." Jisung let out a tiny squeak, before whining, "don't poke there! you know I'm ticklish there" Felix grinned, "I know." Jisung huffed.

Felix stopped, seeing Changbin talk to his mate. Jeongin looked scared. Felix growled softly and walked over to Changbin and yanked him away from Jeongin, "Didn't you get the hint from earlier!?" Changbin smirked, "so the tiny demon prince came to save his precious mate?" Jisung gasped softly, feeling the mating pull. Jisung walked up to Felix and pulled him away, "I think I just found my mate, but something feels empty." Felix nodded, "can I go beat his ass now?" Jisung nodded, and bit his lip.

Felix chuckled darkly and walked back to Changbin and Jeongin. Felix looked at Jeongin and softened up a bit, "what'd he say to you, love?" Jeongin muttered, "he said you didn't really care." Felix growled and turned towards Changbin, "what else did you tell him?!" Changbin smirked, "that if he didn't do as I say, I'll kill him." Felix kicked Changbin, sending him flying back 50 feet. Felix walked towards Changbin growling, "what did I say about talking about my mate?! Do I need to actually burn your ass for you to get it through your thick skull?!" Minho came running down, and looked at Jeongin, seeing the boy's scared state. 

Minho walked over to Jeongin, "I'm guessing Changbin?" Jeongin nodded. Minho sighed, muttering, "when will he learn to not mess with Felix.." Changbin got up, coughing. Felix slammed Changbin against the wall, glaring, "I'm gonna make you wish you never stepped near me or Innie." Felix then threw Changbin to the floor and started throwing punches, left and right. 

Minho sighed and pulled Felix away, "any harder and you'll kill him." Felix huffed and broke Changbin's wrist. Everyone that watched, and cringed, hearing the crack. Changbin cried out and held his wrist, "fuck! Okay! I wont mess with you and your mate ever again!" Felix nodded, "Good." Felix calmed down and walked towards Jeongin, "if he approaches you again, tell me. Okay?" Jeongin nodded. Both boys walked back to their room while Jisung walked towards Changbin, "A-are you okay?" Changbin shook his head, "no, that little shit broke my wrist." Jisung gently placed his hands on the broken wrist and attempted to heal it. 

When Jisung realized he couldn't fix it with magic, he pouted, "you need to go to the hospital.." Changbin muttered, "fuck." Jisung helped Changbin up and brought him to the medical wing of the school. 

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