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two days into felix visiting the vampire kingdom, jeongin was already taking him on dates. and yes the townspeople did respect their privacy. felix kept smiling and greeting the townspeople as they walked through the town. he then looked at jeongin and smiled, "the people here are really nice. its like breath of fresh air." he stated. jeongin smiled, happy to know his mate is having fun.

felix saw a fountain and ran up to it, immediately recognizing the fountain as a wishing fountain the humans use. jeongin caught up to the older, and put his arm around the waist, "some of the townspeople use this as like a last gleam of hope. i've asked my parents to help these people out but they won't let me." felix frowned, hearing that his mate's parents being selfish with their wealth bothered him. 

without jeongin knowing, he mind linked  'brother, the townspeople here basically have no hope, and theyre living unfairly. is there anything we can do to help?'

'i'll see what i can do as king, but don't expect much, little brother. hyunnies coronation is coming up, maybe he will also help them out.' 

felix smiled. he had brought his favorite snack, and a bottle of juice with him. he seen a family walk up to the fountain and pulled his stuff out of his bag and walked up, noting how they looked hungry. he gave them his snack and juice, "i know its not much, but you can have it." the mother looked at the offering then the demon prince, "you're royalty. like Prince Jeongin?" felix nodded, "i know the snack and drink isnt much, but you guys might need it more than i do." the family was grateful, while jeongin was moved by his mate's actions.

the mother hugged felix, and whispered, "thank you, kind boy. you dont know how much this means to us." she began to explain how her family was struggling, and felix paid close attention. eventually, jeongin walked up to them, "felix, darling, my mother is asking us to go back." felix nodded, and looked at the family, "i wish i could do more, please have a ice day." he bowed to the family before following jeongin back to the carriage.

over the course of the next few weeks, minho and hyunjin teamed up to help as much as they can, the townspeople being ever so grateful over their kindness.

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