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Third Person

Hyunjin looked at his little brother, Jeongin, and grinned, "Ready to start this new school with me, bub?" Jeongin swatted at his hand and whined, "hyung!!!!! Don't touch my hair...!" Hyunjin chuckled and looked at Jeongin, "come on. We don't wanna be late to this opening seminar thing."

Both boys got scouted to go to a supernatural school seeing as theyre the vampire princes, and it's required they go to school before they take over their kingdom. Jeongin wasn't really excited because he had to leave his friends behind for this. None of his human friends knew that he was a vampire or a prince. They just thought he came from a very sophisticated family and was naturally pale.

Hyunjin grinned, "who knows, maybe you'll find your mate while we're there~!" He teased the younger. Jeongin glared, "yah! Just because your mate is a dancer like you doesn't mean you get to tease me..!" Hyunjin giggled, "alright we really need to go before Mother and Father get angry with us. Come on, Innie~!" And then the two boys walked away from the palace they call home, with their parents waving goodbye with smiles on their faces.

Minho, who was the prince of hell, groaned, "But father, do we really have to go to this dumbass school?" Minho and Felix's Mother gasped, "Young man! We do not tolerate that kind of language around here! Yes this is hell but please learn your manners! That's why we gotta send you to this school. Because you and Felix are becoming delinquents. Now go pack up. Both of you." Minho groaned and yelled, "Lix and I are the princes of Hell! We have to be delinquents!"

Felix chuckled and ran after his older brother to pack his stuff too. He was excited to say the least. He heard Minho's mate a few times, but never got to meet him.

Minho was only willing to go because he knew his mate, Hyunjin was gonna be there. Both boys finished packing their stuff and teleported to the field that lead to the school. Minho then spotted Hyunjin and grinned, "JINNIE!" Felix, Jeongin and Hyunjin all jumped from thw loudness that was Minho's yell.

Hyunjin looked and grinned, "MINMIN HYUNGIE!" Minho grabbed Felix by the arm and ran to the vampire princes. Felix looked at Jeongin and blushed, hiding behind Minho, whispering "Hyung... You didn't tell me your mate has a cute brother..." Minho laughed loudly, hearing his little brother. "Hyunjin, Jeongin. Meet Felix. My little brother." Felix bowed 90° while stuttering out a greeting.

Jeongin chuckled. "Cute." Minho looked at his brother and smacked him upside the head, "you idiot. Princes don't bow 90° to other princes." Felix stood straight(gay) up, face beet red, "s-sorry..! I panicked..!" Hyunjin, and Jeongin laughed while Minho face palmed, "such a god damn idiot. Come on. We don't wanna be late." Felix tried to keep up, but he was the shortest so he had to yell, "wait for me! I have shorter legs!"

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