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~~~time skip: a few years~~~

a few years into minho and hyunjin being mates, minho was already ring shopping for the taller male. he couldn't ask jeongin or felix because they were both busy with their relationship. minho was at the mall looking at all the rings the jewelry store had to offer and sighed as none of them seem to suit hyunjin.

eventually he came up with an idea and waved one of the workers over.  the worker looked at minho and bowed instantly, already knowing this was the king standing before him, "yes, your highness?" minho chuckled, "i'd like a custom ring made, don't use a silver band, and can the stone be a mix of black and red?" the worker nodded, and began writing down what minho wanted. 

the worker wanted to ask but knew he shouldn't meddle in the king's business. he put the piece of paper where the jeweler will see it and looked at minho, "i'm sure your mate will love it, your majesty." minho smiled softly, "i hope so, i plan on proposing. i don't wanna burn his finger, so please use any other band that's not silver please." the worker nodded and began to get to work on the ring while minho went to other stores to do his shopping.

~~~with jeonglix~~~

felix looked at jeongin and smiled, "we should find someone for that witch friend of yours." jeongin chuckled, "you mean seungmin? i thought you didn't like him." felix looked down, "that was before i figured he must feel lonely because you said he didn't find his mate yet right?" jeongin sighed, "i don't think he has a mate love.." felix nodded, "that's why we should find him someone!" jeongin kissed his baby's head, "i love you for thinking of others, baby, but let's not get involved with seungmin's lovelife okay?"

felix huffed and nodded, "fine, innie." he muttered before cuddling close to jeongin. the youngest vampire prince smiled softly and kissed his head before they both drifted off to dreamland.

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