chapter 1 moving in.

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Jimin slung his blue bag over his shoulder. it was the last of his luggage he needed to carry, the rest being tightly stored in his fathers mini van ready for travel. He sighed to himself, not a solemn sigh but one for finally closing this chapter in his life. He only graduated in May-- it now being mid August. They were true when they said high school is gone in a flash, Jimin looked back to his father shouted ''is that it?" of the luggage. he'll miss him too, as well as his blue bed room walls his pet lemur and swim team varsity jacket, that's now stored in his adjacent room.

but the guilt never fully left his chest, maybe this guilt has a new plane to surface on but it will never be gone, as he looked at his father in the drivers seat. A true alpha. chocolate pecs, bald head. all of what an alpha man by default should be

he gave a weak smile when his father, Shaquille O'Neal shot him a concerned glance. he started the engine, the engine roaring to his new life.

"I'm so proud of you Jimin" his father said, trying to multitask from the road to his son. ''I cant believe you got accepted at Alpha university! did I tell you your whole family has gone-" "I know dad" Jimin huffed, he knew too well of his fathers stories, as well as his older brother Yoongi, a rising senior there. And of course how his father met his mother there, an omega studying Alpha aminalilstics at the time.

''I'm just so proud of you son'' his father ended, finally focusing his attention to the road ahead. And Jimin was too, he worked hard for his status, awards, trophies, and popularity for being the 'all star alpha student'. but there it was again. the nagging guilt of the secret that held him two steps back.


they arrived at Alpha University, the campus was huge, of course he'd toured it before but, this time its as if it towered over him. with the amongst of freshman unpacking luggage from the roofs and trunks of their parents cars, Jimin stood to awe at his new campus. this is really the alpha society? he was no longer surrounded by the small group oft alphas in his life, his father his two older brother Yoongi and Drake. 

he made his way to the dorm administration office, after saying goodbye to father, and barely surviving his bear like hugs. He checked his student I.D and certification then made his way to him dorm. The building was broad, but not extremely tall as the other campus buildings so it gave him a sense of security, it wouldn't be as hard to get lost in. Suddenly, his final strode turned into a causality of his schedule and and phone falling to the ground. before looking up to the perpetrator that was responsible for bumping into him and dropping his things, "I'm so sorry!!" she exclaimed rushing to pick up the mess she made. quickly standing up and returning what belonged of him, Jimin slowly tipped his head up. this girl was taller than him, he hated that.

Jimin was always aware of his height. Shorter the average Alpha male, then slightly shorter than the average male, always made people go; "your really an alpha!?" or "well your short for your type''. even small comments could make a dread wash over him, specially when he evened height with the average woman. Let alone tall woman beaming down at him reminding him of his status. ''I'm masa by the way!'' he might've missed the few other things she said so he spluttered, before taking her hand and shaking it. "Jimin'' he responded, now checking if his phone had any scratches. "sorry i was such in a rush to the omega, courters. my boyfriend said he needed some represents'' Jimin flushed, he didn't really need to hear that last part. 

"your fine.. i guess" he averted his eyes. before this masa girl could chirp up another conversation, he heard a voice shout their way. "hey! this beta bitch bothering you!" ryane said. Jimin would soon learn her authority on campus but as of now, his eyes startled at the alpha female striding her way towards them with a jeering smirk on her face. by her side were two other alpha woman, a purple haired one soon to be known as Ashley, and one in a black hijab soon to be known as hala. Masa rolled her eyes. "ryane" she flatted crossing her arms a agitation grew in her. "i thought you would be with your little omega? what's his name... Maurice.. gayruice" the posse roared in laughter. but masa stood her stance. "no... ryane. I'm actually speaking to friend. one actually outside of my own rank'' she rebuked, causing ryane to roll her eyes "unlike you i can actually be friendly to an omega!-" "I'm not an omega" Jimin intruded. he had to, how could Masa just assume this about him? was it his height his scent-- he was interrupted by Ryane's mocking laughter again. "whatever masa!'' the group of alpha's walked  away.

"look- I'm so-" ''its fine." Jimin half smiled as masa's started to soften.  "so! what dorm do you stay at?'' masa chirped, as she changed the subject. ''uh.." pausing to search for his schedule again. "building 34a, alpha quarters''

"oh my gosh! my bestie  lives there, but if your lost I'll totally walk you!"


 After the hassle of masa walking him through floors of his dorm building, he finally found his room and the first thing he did was collapses on the bottom bunk. he never been so tired in his life, his muscles had to nagging ache that only a 8 hour slumber could do that. his luggage sat isolated in the middle of the room, but he couldn't bother to touch it as sleep started the heavy his eye lids. what felt like a while, but was only 30 or so minutes the door erupted open. 

hazy, Jimin slowly opened his eyes, rubbing away the tiredness in them. "so, did you forget you had another roommate or something" this voice had an aggression, and too much of an familiarity. he couldn't believe it, he met eyes with his sworn enemy.

Ed Sheeran.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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