9. Finding Sam and Running Away

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// Dean's POV

They rounded the side of the mountain and walked up to a set of stairs by a cliff that connected it to another mountain. Crossing the stairs was a tall, beautiful ice palace.

Olaf giggled and slowly made his way up the stairs.

"Holy shit. . .now that's ice." Castiel sighed, looking up at everything. "I might cry."

"Go ahead... I wont judge." Dean patted his shoulder and followed Olaf.

Sven tried making his way up the stairs but you know they aren't the most graceful creatures so he slipped and slid back down.

"Whoa whoa. Slow down buddy." Castiel chuckled and ran up to his friend, helping him up. "You stay right here, okay?"

Sven huffed before sitting down and looking in a different direction.

Castiel pet his head before following Dean.

Dean stood at the door with Olaf.

He looked nervous. Scared.

"Knock." Olaf said, a wide smile on his face.

Dean didn't hear and kept his hand lifted.

"Just knock."


"Why isn't he knocking?" Olaf asked Castiel in a shushed whisper. "Do you think he knows how to knock?"

Castiel chuckled and Dean finally knocked.

The knock echoed before the door opened, leaving Dean surprised.

"Oh, shiz. It opened." He stated, clearly shocked.

"No shit Sherlock. That's what doors do." Castiel rolled his eyes.

Dean shot him a glare and huffed.

"Shut your face. I've only known doors that don't open."

Dean began to walk inside, everyone but Sven following.

"Oh wait. You should probably wait out here." Dean explained.

"Wait-- what?" Castiel asked.

"Last time I introduced him to someone, he froze everything." He sighed.

"B-but but-- come on! It's a fucking palace made of ice! If you haven't noticed, ice is my fucking life!"

"Bye Sven!" Olaf giggled and walked inside.

"You two Olaf." Dean sighed and grabbed the stick hand.


"Don't worry. It's just be for a minute." Dean smiled and walked inside, leaving Olaf and Castiel to count a minute, the doors closing once he was inside.

Dean walked inside, observing everything.

It was so blue and clear-- like Cas' eyes-- WHAT NO YOU DIDN'T READ THAT.

There was a frozen fountain in the middle and two sets of stairs on either side of the room.

"Sam? Sammy? It's me, Dean!" He called, almost slipping on the ice.

"Dean. . ." Someone whispered from upstairs.

Dean looked up to see Sam at the top of the stairs, in a stunning blue suit and cape. ((I was so tempted to write Sam wearing the curve hugging dress and sashaying everything))

"Whoa Sam. . . you look different. It's a good different obviously." Dean smiled. "And this palace-- it's freaking awesome."

Sam chuckled and looked at everything.

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