Ending II

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Sam fumbled across the ice covered fjord, snow cutting at his face from every direction, using his arm to shield his eyes. He had to find Dean...he needed to tell him everything. Then they could find Gabriel and they could go home.

This was going on for too long. He was tired of it.

"Gabriel!" He yelled out. He felt so lost. He just wanted to be home with Gabe and Cas and his brother.

He took a few more steps before he stepped into a puddle. Sam quickly looked down, seeing that the ice was melting. But how?

Sam's eyes widened and he thought more of his home and the ice melted faster.

He could clear the ice! Then it would be easier to find Dean and the others.

Sam concentrated but then he heard footsteps coming up behind him. He turned around and saw Bela walking towards him, also shielding her face with her arm.

"No! Go back! It's too dangerous! I figured our how to stop this winter!" Sam yelled, trying to move her back.

"There is no stopping this!" She yelled back.

"Yes there is! I have to find my brother! I have to find Gabriel!"

"Your brother? Your brother is dead!"

Sam stopped what he was doing and tried to form words.

"He died of a frozen heart! He said you pierced it with your evil powers!" She yelled. "You killed him!"

"No...no..." The words punched him and the world seemed to stop. Sam fell to his knees and cried, yelling at everything. The snow came to a stop and the melting ice froze again.

Bela smirked and pulled out her sword.

"You killed Dean Winchester."


"Castiel!" Dean yelled out, the snow suddenly stopping around him.

It was better to see but his hands were already frozen and it was moving under his sleeves. It was getting hard to walk. "C-Cas!" His voice broke.

He heard a scream.


"Dean!" He heard. He felt hopeful then. And he could see him! He could see Castiel running towards him, Sven not far behind.

Dean tripped and fell onto the floor, his teeth chattered and he was coughing when he heard it. He heard the sound of a sword.

Dean turned to his side where he could see Sam crouched in the floor, yelling and Bela raising up her sword, ready to strike.

"Dean!" Castiel yelled again.

Dean whimpered and took one last look at him before fumbling over to try and save Sam.

"I love you..." he whispered.

"Dean! No!" Cas yelled. Sam looked up and cried harder.

And then Sam felt the blade pierce through his chest and out through his back. He gasped and looked down at it, blood trickling through the blue of his suit.

"SAM- " Dean yelled, reaching out, the ice running up his neck and consuming the last of his body.

Bela pulled the knife from Sam's chest and stared at him as the he collapsed onto his back.

But nothing changed. The ice was still frozen solid and the snow was still stuck in time.

"No. NO!" She yelled.

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