2. Waking Up In A Fairy Tale

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*So I honestly don't know how this will turn out. Hopefully, okay. I hope that you guys will enjoy reading this fic as I expect that I will enjoy writing this. Just an FYI, Dean is Anna and Sam will be Elsa. I know I know, IT'S NOT RIGHT! DEAN'S OLDER! But that's how it was requested! I'm only following ASliceOfDeansPie's request. So don't pick on me about it.*

// Sam's POV

Sam was sound asleep in his bed. Dreaming of little snowmen, dancing around.


"Okay, Sam...our mission is in tact. No backing out now. Well there is but we wont. Don't worry about the story line, just go along with it...oh and for the sake of this story and it's two brothers, you're the older one my dear Moose. Enjoy actually being the eldest of you two."

Sam smiled to himself as Gabriel's voice rang through his head.

"Sam...Sammy..." Someone whispered on top of him.

Sam groaned and tried to push him off.

"Go back to sleep Dean."

"I just can't! The sky's awake. So I'm awake. So we have to play!" He explained as he sprawled out on Sam.

"Go play by yourself." Sam groaned, pushing Dean off the bed, causing him to fall with a thud.

Sam had begun to drift off to sleep again when Dean crawled back on the bed and whispered,

"Do you wanna build a snowman?"

Sam opened his eyes with a smirk. He was surprised. This was the first time he had seen Dean in this story. He was so tiny.

Soon he found himself being led down into an empty ballroom. They locked the doors and ran to the middle.

Dean wouldn't stop giggling.

"Do the magic! Do the magic!" Dean squealed.

Sam smiled and began moving his hands. He honestly had no idea what was happening.

"You ready?" He asked his 'little' brother. Dean quickly nodded and Sam lifted his hands in the air, snow falling down on them.

Dean looked up and jumped around.

"This is amazing!"

Sam smiled and lifted up his foot. When he set it down again, the floor was covered in ice. Dean began slipping around, giggling. He was just as amazed as Dean was. He had been feeling weird about being the older one. He was used to Dean taking care of him.

But he could handle this.

Sam made giant piles of snow around the ballroom. Dean climbed onto one and slid down the hill. While Dean had fun of the piles of snow, Sam worked on building a snowman.

Once he finished he turned it around towards Sam once he had calmed down.

Sam hid behind it and moved it's arms around.

"Hi, I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs,"

Dean's eyes sparkled as he ran up to it and hugged it.

"I love you, Olaf!"

Dean grabbed Olaf's arms and began to dance. Sam smiled and moved them around with the ice from his hands.

Sam made bigger piles of snow, Dean climbing onto each of them.

"Catch me!" Dean yelled as he jumped in the air. Sam made another pile of snow underneath him to catch him, but Dean kept jumping. He jumped for about two more and then he was going too fast.

"Dean! Slow down! You're going to fast!" He warned, but He didn't listen. Sam tried walking forward, to stop him, but slipped and fell back.

Dean was in the air again.

"Dean!" Sam yelled and tried to catch him by making another pile of snow. But instead, it hit Dean's head and he fell.

"Dean. . ." Sam whispered.

"Dean." He said and ran to his younger brother. He wouldn't move. He was cold. As cold as Sam's ice.

"Mamma! Papa!" Sam cried as he held Dean closer, the room going colder as it froze over.

Two people ran in. Sam assumed they were the king and queen.

"Sam, what have you done?" The king asked. The queen picked Dean up in her arms and gasped.

"He's ice cold."

"It was an accident!" Sam tried to explain. Why were things going so wrong already? This shouldn't be happening.

"I know what we have to do." Stated the king before running off.


They were on horseback. Sam with the king and Dean with the queen. Sam wasn't sure where they were headed but the king and queen looked like they knew what they were doing.

Sam hadn't seen this movie before. . .it was new. So, he had no idea what was going on. He just hoped there would be a better outcome than this.

Of course there'll be a good outcome. It's a Disney movie. He thought to himself.

They reached a forest, riding faster and faster with every minute that past by, Sam leaving a trial of ice behind them because of how scared he currently was.

Sam could've sworn he saw someone there, in the woods. A boy around Dean's age, with a sled and a reindeer, but that wasn't important now. He just needed Dean to be okay.

They finally reached their destination. An area covered in rocks. The all quickly jumped off their horses and approached the small boulders.

"Please help! My son. . .he's hurt." The King announced to the rocks. The rockes started moving around. Rolling in every direction. Soon they rolled out into their true form; trolls.

"It's the king." One of them whispered.

"What's wrong with the prince?" Another asked.

An older rock rolled up to them.

"There is strange magic here." It stated.

"Can you help him?" The king asked as the queen lowered Dean down so Grandpappy could see him.

"Born with the powers or cursed?" He asked, looking over at Sam.

"Uh, born. And they're getting stronger."

The troll walked up to Dean and examined him.

"You're lucky it's just the head. If it were the heart...but the head can be easily persuaded." He explained. "I recommend, removing all magic from his memory. But don't worry...I leave the fun."

A cloud of Dean's memories with Sam appeared from the time they had just experienced. It all changed to something more believable. Regular days, with them playing in the snow.

Grandpappy placed his hand on Dean's head, changing the memories, leaving Dean smiling in the queens arms.

"He won't remember I have powers?" Sam asked.

"Listen to me, Sam. Your powers are strong. There is great beauty in them..." he started as he showed Sam silhouettes of someone creating ice and people watching.

"But there is also great danger..." he finished as the blue color of it turned red and fused together.

Sam gasped and his behind "his father".

"That wont happen. We'll help him control it. We'll close all the gates...reduce the staff...and keep him away from everyone...even Dean..."

Sam looked over at Dean with worry.

What have you put me into Gabriel...

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