4. Coronation Day (Part 1)

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//Dean's POV





Dean ignored it and tried to doze off again.

"Prince Dean...Prince Dean?" Someone called on the other side of the door.

Dean groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Huh...yea?" He asked, eyes half open.

"Sorry to awake you- "

"No nonono. You didn't...I've been up for hours..." Dean yawned before leaning on his hand and dozing back to sleep.

There was a knock at the door again and Dean jolted awake.

"Who is it?"

"Still me sir. The gates will open soon, time to get ready!"

Dean stretched, his eyes still closed.

"Of course...ready for what?"

"Your brother's Coronation, sir."

"Hmm, my brother's Cornoration..." he slowly opened his eyes and saw a suit ready for him to dress in.

Dean gasped and he was suddenly fully awake.

"It's Coronation Day!" He gasped and quickly got dressed.

He ran out the door and spun a few of the palace staff around.

"It's Coronation Day!"

He looked around at all the staff who were currently open doors windows and carrying stacks of chairs, plates, and many other things.

Dean took a deep breath and began to sing.

"The window is open. So's that door! I didn't know they did that anymore!

"Who knew we owned eight thousand salad plates?

"For years I've roamed this empty halls, why have a ball room with no balls? Finally they're opening up the gates!" He sang as he slid down the railing of the stairs and going to shake the metal hand of a knights armor.

"There'll be actually real life people. It'll be totally strange.

"But wow, am I so ready for this day!" He climbed out a window and swung back and forth on some swing thing, looking at the arriving ships.

"Cause for the first time in forever, there'll be music, there'll be light. For the first time in forever! I'll be dancing through the night!"

Dean wandered into a field and messed with a group of ducklings.

"Don't know if I'm elated or gassy, but I'm somewhere in that zone!

"But for the first time in forever, I won't be alone." He sang as he picked up the ducklings.

"I can't wait to meet everyone. What if I meet, the one?" He asked and a duckling quaked.

Dean ran back into the palace and wandered into the ballroom.

"Tonight imagine me suit and all, fetching the drapes against the wall, a picture of sophisticated grace!

"I suddenly see her standing there, a beautiful stranger tall and fair, I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face!" He said wandered over to a statue of a woman's head.

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