Chapter 7

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In Storybrooke years ago, Young Blaze and Young Grace were walking down the Storybrooke High School corridor together, "Jay did what?" Young Blaze asked.

"He asked me to homecoming," Young Grace said.

"That's great!" Young Blaze said.

"You don't know what is it do you?" Young Grace asked.

"Not a clue," Young Blaze said bluntly.

"It's a dance your year can attend," The young girls looked to see Jefferson, Rose Red and Taylor in his bassinet, "They'll be dancing and you get to have photos taken for your yearbook as well as for memories. And near the end of the night, after your fellow students have voted, a couple will be crowned Homecoming King and Queen, until graduation," Rose Red said.

"Mom, dad," Young Grace said.

"But, it's all about having fun with your year before you go off to college, jobs or other realms," Young Rose Red said.

Young Blaze looked at Young Grace, "I'm surprised Jay asked you then since you both have balls," Young Blaze said.

"Yeah... But he's moving back to Camelot, he misses being a knight... And there are not many knights needed in Storybrooke," Young Grace said.

"Oh, I'm sorry Gracie," Young Blaze said.

"It's okay. It sucks, but it's not the end," Young Grace said.

"Nice way of seeing it Gracie," Jefferson said.

"Why are you two here?" Young Grace asked.

"Why do you think? There's a ball to plan and my sister has roped us two into it since we're the King and Queen of Enchanted Forest," Rose Red said and rolled her eyes with a sigh.

"I've always wondered what makes you hate balls... You get it from your mom," Young Blaze said.

"Hmm... I know," Young Grace said.

"Have a good day, girls. We won't embarrass you... Much," Rose Red said.

"Not comforting at all," Young Grace said and Rose Red and Jefferson walked past them.

Young Grace and Young Blaze continued walking down the corridor, "So... Do you think Henry will ask you?" Young Grace asked.

"I don't know... My dad might not want me to go, I have to do all the training. Just because Jude is gone doesn't mean the threat he holds to me, is gone," Young Blaze said as they stopped at her locker.

"You're right. I'm sure you two will figure it out," Young Grace said.

"Yeah... See you at lunch?" Young Blaze asked.

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