Chapter 33

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Later that day, the sun was setting, Kelly closed the bar and took out her pendant, putting it on then she started looking for Roni's baseball bat. She heard the door open and quickly hid behind the counter with a glass bottle.

 She heard the door open and quickly hid behind the counter with a glass bottle

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"What the hell are you doing back there?" Roni asked and Kelly turned around.

Kelly exhaled heavily as she saw her sister, "Looking for your baseball bat," Kelly said.

"Oh, it's right by the ice bin," Kelly got the baseball bat, "Hey, don't worry, I've got a full arsenal for us," Roni said as she held up the crowbar.

"Thanks, Weaver wasn't exactly ace in the weapon department," Kelly said.

"Margot's still at the station with him, so at least Margot's safe," Roni said.

"Thank you, for standing by me," Kelly said.

Roni poured them drinks, "You really think I'm going to let anyone kill my big sis but me," Roni said and handed her a drink.

Kelly took the glass, "To putting the past behind you with a baseball bat," They share a toast and down their drinks, "Oh! Ah, felt good. I can't believe how long it's been since Kelly had a drink and a good bar brawl," Kelly said.

"Just because you're letting Zelena out to play doesn't mean you have to let go, Kelly, we can be both," Roni said.

"Yeah, well, we'll see how much there is left of Kelly once Zelena has her reckoning with Hansel," Kelly said.

At Nick's apartment, Detective Rogers and Adam broke into the apartment, Detective Roger's had his gun aimed and ready she found Henry still knocked out and tied up.

At Nick's apartment, Detective Rogers and Adam broke into the apartment, Detective Roger's had his gun aimed and ready she found Henry still knocked out and tied up

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"Henry. Henry, are you okay?" Detective Rogers said as he checked the apartment.

Adam walked over to them, "What?" Henry woke up, "I'm okay. Yeah, I'm okay. I'm okay. But Nick... He's... He's after Kelly and the Lighthale's crazy. He thinks they're witches. We need... We need to get to them before they do," Henry said.

Detective Rogers untied him, "Yeah, we will. Well, Kelly and her daughter should still be safe with Weaver," Detective Rogers said.

"Where's Grace?" Adam asked.

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