Chapter 36

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The next day, Eloise entered the station and walked up to the desk sergeant, "Oh, just what I need today... A visit from a weirdo cult leader," The desk sergeant said.

"Hmm," Eloise said.

"You're here to see Rogers, James, Hatterson and Weaver?" The desk sergeant asked.

"Actually, I'm here to see you," Eloise said.

"Me?" The desk sergeant said.

"Yes, you. You're going to help me because I need someone in your position," Eloise said.

"Sorry, lady. Not interested," The desk sergeant said.

"You sure about that?" Eloise magically enthralled him as her voice began echoing in his ears, "Because it seems to me you're very interested. It seems to me you can't say no," Eloise said.

"What do you need?" The desk sergeant asked.

"My sisters are asleep and I need your help to wake them up. Time has come for the coven to return," Eloise said.

Elsewhere, Henry invited Clary over to his apartment later in the morning and he showed her the blood test that confirmed he was Lucy's father, "Now that we're alone, we should talk. This is real," Henry said.

"No. See, it's not," Clary took it and put it down, "Because you can't be Lucy's father because you and I, we never..." Clary said.

"Well, maybe. You ever been to Cabo?" Clary folded her arms looking at him, unamused, "I know, I know. I...I would've remembered. But still, somehow this happened. Okay, so there's got to be some sort of..." He sighed and picked up his book, "Okay. Now, what if Lucy is right? What if my crazy book is real?" Henry said.

"You really think you're Lucy's father and somehow I magically forgot about it?" Clary said and sighed.

Henry put his book down and took her hold of hands, "When I met you in Hyperion Heights, I loved you immediately," Henry said.

Henry put his book down and took her hold of hands, "When I met you in Hyperion Heights, I loved you immediately," Henry said

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"Henry..." Clary said.

"No, I can say it... Love at fight sight. But maybe it's because it wasn't actually love at first sight. Maybe everything I felt was because we already loved each other," Henry said.

"You really believe-," Clary began to say.

"Yes," He interrupted, "I think I do," Henry said.

"If I'm Blaze, then where's my red cloak? Where's my big sister, Red Riding Hood? My sanity for even having this conversation?" Clary said and sighed.

"Well, I don't know about the rest but look," Henry showed her the piece of Blaze's cloak, "It's from your cloak... Well, part of it. We found these," Henry said.

"It's just a piece from red fabric, could be anything," Clary said.

"Maybe, maybe not. Here. Take this," He gave her the piece of cloth, "Does that do anything? Will you do that for me?" She looked at him, "Will you open your mind? Just try?" Henry said.

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