Chapter 23

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Rose Red was holding Lizzie as she was humming a lullaby when Wish Hook, Grace and Jefferson walked, "Rose, we need your help," Wish Hook said.

"Shhh, I just got her down," Rose Red said as she walked over to the crib and laid Lizzie inside, she watched as her daughter murmured a little turning her head as she continued to sleep.

"Mom?" Grace said.

"Yes, yes," Rose Red looked at them as she walked over to them, "What is it?" Rose Red asked.

"We met a prince-," Grace began to say.

"Lucky you," Rose Red said.

"Mom," Rose Red smiled, "Anyway, he's after the gator that Facilier told Tiana to go after, the gator attacked this villager who told us it was on the lake and now Tiana and the prince have gone to kill it, but when we went back to the lake after taking the villager to a healer, we couldn't see them on the lake," Grace said.

Rose Red exhaled heavily, "Okay, watch your sister. I'll find them and this prince... Whatever his name is," Rose Red said.

"I don't know, but he's rather annoying," Grace said.

"I forgot as well," Wish Hook said.

"Same, I'll come with you, darling," Jefferson said.

"Sure, let's go," Rose Red said and left with Jefferson.

End of Flashback

At the bar, Kelly had called Samdi earlier in the day and he walked into the bar, "I'm looking for Roni, we spoke on the phone," Samdi said.

"Well, you found her. The one and only, how can I help you?" Kelly said.

"Actually, I was hoping I could help you. I'm an investor, with a little extra capital, you could expand. Maybe even franchise, dream however big you'd like," Samdi said.

Kelly chuckled softly, "Well, I am a dreamer but I just don't think my sister and business partner would go for it," Kelly said.

"Your sister and business partner?" Samdi said.

"Kelly and Emily, we own this place together," Kelly said.

"Perhaps I could chat with Kelly and Emily, if they're around," Samdi said.

Roni and Emily stepped out, "Always seem to be but I'm afraid I'm not interested, what about you Emily?" Eily said.

"Not interested," Roni said.

"Are you sure? We could discuss it over a drink," Samdi said.

"Mm, don't need to, I've heard more than enough," Roni said.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that, if you ever change your mind, you have my number," Samdi said and walked out as Roni watched him leave, Emily walked over to the bar as Grace stood up from behind the bar.

"Mom, I told you to rest not play pretend Roni," Grace said.

"Why is everyone so worried about me just because I'm pregnant?" Emily asked.

"Because you're a good mom and if the curse breaks, you both die," Kelly said.

"Wait... Am I good at this?" Emily asked as she pointed to her stomach.

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