Chapter 14

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Hyperion Heights...

Emily was packing her car as Lizzie and Bradley watched her, "Mom, where you two going? If it's because of me, I won't bother you two. Just don't go," Bradley said.

"Bradley, sweetie. It's not you. I have some business in Maine that I need to take care of and Lizzie needs a distraction," Emily said.

"What kind of business? I've never heard that you know anyone in Maine..." Bradley said.

"Bradley..." She leaned against her car and looked at her, "Trust me, okay? We'll be back soon, I promise and then, while I'm gone. You work on convincing everyone you're not a danger to your family okay?" Emily said.

"You think I'm a danger?" Bradley asked.

"Mama?" Lizzie said.

"I know you're not a danger, you just need to remember that you're not one. Your darkness came from... Me, and for that I'm sorry. If I can change my life, you can too. Trust the twins, Daisy, Rogers, Adam, Grace and Roni... Any slips tell Adam, Grace and Roni straight away and they will help you. I know you've got this in you to be an amazing big brother, I'm already proud of you and now it's time you remember how amazing you are," Emily said.

 I know you've got this in you to be an amazing big brother, I'm already proud of you and now it's time you remember how amazing you are," Emily said

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"Okay, mom," They hugged each other, "Text me when you've taken any rest stops and when you're there," Bradley said.

"God, you're like a nagging husband," Emily said and chuckled.

"I'm your son, I'm worse," Bradley said.

Roni walked up and handed over a basket, "Some snacks... Sheila has put some baked goods in... Have you got everything?" Roni asked.

"Yeah, I've got everything... You and Clary going to be okay?" Emily asked as she put the basket in the back seat.

"Yeah, you just focus on... Whatever it is you're doing," Roni said.

"I will don't worry," They hugged each other, "Keep an eye on things," Emily said.

"Promise," Roni said.

"Alright, missy. Time to get into the car," Emily said.

"Okay," Lizzie said as she was hugging Bradley and walked over to the passenger seat and got into the side.

Adam walked over, "Emily?" She looked at him and walked over to him, "Okay, so I did some reading and some places for you to look," He handed over a piece of paper which she took, "Really think this will work?" Adam asked.

"Well, we haven't found it in the Heights in these years, it's gotten be in Maine or New York. I've got this," Emily said.

"Be careful," Adam said.

"Always," Emily said and got into the driver's side, she buckled in and pulled away from the sidewalk.

Detective Weaver was walking towards the station and he saw Emily, she glanced at him as she drove past him, "Mama, we can't leave. The curse," Lizzie said.

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