Chapter 30

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Henry, Blaze, Ruby, Grace and Wish Hook entered the Cave of the Golden Dragon, "This is it. Just ahead, the Cave of the Golden Dragon," Henry said.

"By the size of those claw marks, I'd say it's well-fed on heroes," Wish Hook said.

"You sure you want to do this?" Ruby asked.

"You kidding? I've wanted to do this since I was 10 years old," He sighed as Blaze chuckled, "You ready?" Henry asked.

"To go into the Cave of the Golden Dragon with you?" Blaze smiled, "You should know the answer to that already, Henry Mills," Blaze said and Henry smiled at her.

"To go into the Cave of the Golden Dragon with you?" Blaze smiled, "You should know the answer to that already, Henry Mills," Blaze said and Henry smiled at her

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"But... One last thing for good luck," Blaze said and kissed him.

Wish Hook looked at Grace who smiled at him and kissed his cheek, he chuckled and gently pulled her closer and kissed her as Ruby looked away from the two couples.

"I don't need luck, slaying dragons is what my family does best. Now, come on. We're so close, I can hear it breathing," They start walking until they find a man sleeping on the dragon's treasure and start to wake him up, "Hey, hey, who are you?" Henry said as he poked the man with his sword.

"Whoa. Watch where you poke that. I'm trying to take a bit of a nap," The man said.

"Here? You mad? Where's the dragon?" Wish Hook asked.

The man started laughing, "Are you serious? Do you think I'd be here if there was a dragon? The dragon migrated weeks ago. Left his treasures behind, gold, silver, wine," He held up a wine bottle, "I didn't even know dragons like wine," He offered the bottle to them, "Want some?" He said.

"That's not yours," Grace said as her hands glowed red.

"It belongs to the villages that garden plundered, so you are leaving right now," Blaze said as she pointed her sword at him as well.

"I do have that effect on women," He chuckled Wish Hook and Henry glared at the man as Blaze's and Ruby's eyes turned yellow, "Alright," He said and left, Blaze and Ruby escorted him out.

Wish Hook, Roland and Henry held back, Wish Hook looked at Henry and noticed the glum look on his face, "Why the glum face? Dragon's gone, it's a good thing," Wish Hook asked.

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