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This chapter contains explicit sex scenes.
If you are not comfortable with this topic do not read.

Enjoy ❤

Lily POV

"Really?Just a chicken salad?"
I roll my eyes.
This is the third time he has asked me.
I just nod as I look around.
"Sure?How can you not be hungry?"
I roll my eyes in exasperation.
“I'm sure dad.And then how do you expect me to eat anything else after that huge breakfast this morning?"
I smile thinking about the welcome my father gave me upon my arrival.
The large table in the living room was elegantly set and dozens of delicacies were displayed on top of it.
Pancakes, eggs, bacon, tarts.
I ate a bit of everything with infinite enthusiasm.
Now we find ourselves sitting in a very nice restaurant near Central Park.
The place is small but very welcoming.
There will be about ten tables, all expertly laid out with care.
Beautiful and cheerful red and white checked tablecloths color every table.
On the walls, covered with light maple panels, there are dozens and dozens of paintings depicting glimpses of nature.
We are seated at a table which is right in front of the large window.
I turn my gaze to my father and find him looking at me with a worried frown.
"You don't need to lose weight, do you know that?"
I snort bringing my arms to my chest and then cross them.
“What I don't need is to put on weight, dad.Stop worrying.This morning I ate for three people you can't expect me to be hungry now”
He studies me carefully.
"Here they make the best chocolate cake in town" he tells me, raising an eyebrow as if to challenge me.
I reciprocate his gaze.
This man knows my weakness.
After a few moments of stalemate we burst out laughing.
"Of course I'll eat the cake, that's why I just want a salad" I giggle amused as I raise my glass to take a sip of water.
After a few minutes an extremely nice waiter serves us lunch and after thanking him we start eating surrounded by a pleasant silence.
I look at my father and think back to what Tony advised me to do.
I take a deep breath and after wiping my lips with the napkin, I clear my throat.
"Dad?" I call him.
He looks up from his steak and gives me a smile.
When he smiles, his eyes do too.
"Tell me, darling"
Now or never.
"You know, with the help of Tony and his lawyers, I'm getting help to start the paperwork to change my last name.I had thought about taking my mother's laste name but honestly that's not what I want.That is...I love my mother and I will always love her but I have a father.And I love him.I love you dad and I would be happy if you...yeah...if you wanted to legally recognize me”
My speech that I had started with enthusiasm and a strong voice ends in a whisper.
As I expounded my concept a thousand questions assailed me, a thousand doubts destroyed all my confidence.
Even though I know that he loves me, he has always lived alone in those last years and taking on such a demanding responsibility may not be his priorities.
Even if I am now an adult I would be another responsibility of him, a burden.
And he already has several responsibilities.
My eyes drop instinctively on my hands.
Strange remains silent and I suspiciously risk a glance in his direction.
I find him staring at me with his mouth open, his hand in mid-air holding his fork with a bite of meat stabbed.
He looks in shock.
"Are you okay dad?" I ask in a hesitant voice.
At the sound of my voice he seems to barely recover, puts his fork on the plate and, drinking a sip of water, tries to regain a certain composure.
“You don't have to.I would understand your refusal.And especially between the two of us, nothing would change.I will love you.I want you to know that, nothing changes between us.Nothing”
I say with confident voice.
I'm sure.
My love for him would not change.
"What?No no.I would like.I would be more than honored” my father replies immediately.
"But?" I add hesitantly.
He laughs.
"There is no but, Lily.You just caught me off guard.I didn't think you wanted such a thing” he admits with a sigh.
“After all, we have only recently met and I would have accepted if you had wanted your mother's last name” Strange continues.
His gaze is clear and sincere.
I know perfectly well that he is not lying to me.
"Funny!Because I thought the exact same thing” I reply with a smile.
Smile that my father reciprocates.
"So...when the lawyers are ready with the documentation can I call you?"
"Of course.Anything for my princess”
I blush at his words and he notices it.
"What happens?Are you too old to be dad's princess?"
He looks amused as he speaks, a corner of his lips lifts in a sly smile.
I laugh heartily.
“I don't think…I just…mom used to call me that too.She always told me that I was her princess
We watch each other for a few seconds.
The thought of mom is painful and sweet at the same time.
“You know?Mom will be relocated from Brookville Cemetery next week.I asked Steve for help and together with Tony they managed to get her moved to the Green-Wood Cemetery in the Brooklyn neighborhood.Would you like to be there for her entombment?" I ask in a broken voice.
“We could greet her properly.As she deserves” I whimper softly.
My father reaches out over the table and squeezes my hand tightly.
"I really wish I was there"
His eyes are shiny, I feel him clearing his throat.
“Finally I can be close to her again” he whispers more to himself than to me.
Something in his gaze blows me away and bringing both hands to my face I burst into tears.
I don't even know why, I just feel this urgent need.
I hear the sound of the chair crawling on the floor and a moment later Strange's arms are tight around me.
Kneeling at my feet my father tries to console me as best he can.
I know how little he is used to physicality, to emotionality.
“Sorry” I apologize.
I'm sorry for putting him in this situation.
“Don't apologize, Lily.No need” he whispers to me as he continues to stroke my head.
When I have calmed down enough I move away from his embrace.
“I don't know what happened to me.Forgive me” I sigh, running a hand over my eyes.
“I just didn't get to mourn her death.I have never seen her again after the accident.They snatched me from her and planted those damn memories inside my head.I couldn't honor her properly.She was a fantastic mother, my best friend and I couldn't bury her.I didn't…they stopped me.They will pay for it.They will pay for taking everything away from me” I spit the words out in anger as my father listens to me in absolute silence.
He stands up and grabbing his chair brings it right next to mine.
“I fully understand what you feel.Ten years ago in a few moments I found and lost my family.And the people guilty of this will pay with their lives.You don't have to worry about anything”
Strange's eyes blaze with fury as he speaks but then his gaze softens.
“And you know that you are no longer alone now.You have me.You have a lot of friends who really care about you.You have Steve”
I jump when he names my handsome Captain.
I look into his eyes intensely with a hint of fear.
“I know that I have behaved badly towards him.I've thought about it a lot in recent weeks” continues my father, leaving me speechless.
“Maybe next Friday he could join us for dinner.I wish I could apologize to him personally”
I can't help myself, my eyes and mouth are wide open.
I am absolutely incredulous.
"Who are you?And what have you done with my father?" I ask, unleashing his laughter.
“I admit it took some effort but deep down I couldn't have wished a better man for you.Steve is a good man, loyal and strong enough to protect you all your life” my father replies, wrinkling his nose as if it really cost him a hard time admitting this.
“Oh dad!I love you” I reply throwing my arms around his neck.
He laughs and reciprocating the hug he mumbles in my ear "But if he dares to hurt you or make you suffer...just know that it will be difficult to find his remains"
I dissolve the embrace laughing.
"Dad..." but as soon as I see his extremely serious gaze I just tremble.
"You're joking, right?" I ask slightly alarmed.
"Maybe...or maybe not"
But then he smiles and winks at me.
I sigh.
In the end I think he would be able to but I prefer not to think about it.
After lunch we set off for a walk in Central Park.
The air is cold but the sun shines in the sky, so wrapped in our coats we walk around enjoying each other's company.
"So what do you want to do?" my father asks me.
"I learned that there is a small exhibition by a local artist a few blocks from here.We could go there if you like"
I sink my face into the big scarf that wraps around my neck and look in front of me.
The park is full of people of all kinds.
Couples, children running, people walking with their dog.
The day is really beautiful and I would like to go and see this exhibition.
Every Friday my father always tries to do something different.
Opera, Ballet, concerts.
He is spoiling me in every possible way.
But today we can't.
Today I have much more important things to tell him and an exhibition would not be the ideal place.
"I'd like to but I need to talk to you about something important"
I look around nervously.
“But it is better to choose a safe place.Can we go back to the Sanctuary?"
"Of course.Everything is fine?" he asks me slightly worried about my change of mood.
"Yes, don't worry dad.I just prefer not to talk about it here"
"Ok.Let's go”
My father leads me and in a few moments we find ourselves in a side street.
I watch him while he checks carefully making sure that no one is there and in a moment he opens a portal that immediately leads us into the great hall of the Sanctuary.
“Let's go to my office.There we will be safe from prying ears”
We go up the large wooden staircase and just as we pass the library Wong comes out.
"Strange, Lily!I didn't think you were back" Wong says to my father.
"Schedule change.We're going to my office now” my father informs him.
"Ok.Elisabeth” Wong greets me warmly with a nod of his head.
I reply to his greeting and follow my father into his large office.
Strange sits behind his large desk and watches me closely.
I would like to sit down too but I am too agitated so I decide to remain standing.
I let my eyes wander around the room.
The two walls on my sides are covered with shelves which in turn are full of books and an old wrought iron candelabra hangs from the high ceiling.
Behind my father there are two large windows embellished with heavy red velvet curtains, between them a large portrait depicting the old New York.
The floor, as in the rest of the Sanctuary, is a polished dark parquet.
"What happens?" my father asks, drawing my attention.
I take courage and speak.
After all, what am I afraid of?
“It's about the Space Stone” I whisper barely audibly.
I'm about to continue but someone interrupts us by knocking on the door.
My father raises a hand as if to ask me to wait a moment.
"Come in" thunders his voice slightly annoyed.
I'm sure he was annoyed by the interruption.
The door opens and Wong appears.
He looks visibly agitated.
"I'm sorry to bother you but the leader of the Guardian Council is on the phone.They want to know..."
But the asian man is unable to complete his sentence because my father abruptly interrupts him by slamming his large palm on the surface of his desk.
“I got it!Tell him that I have the situation perfectly under control"
"No but!" thunders Strange taking it out on his poor assistant.
I think I know what the Guardian Council wants so I decide to intervene to help Wong.
“Wong you can also tell the Council that I have made my decision.I'll be one of them”
Both men in the room stare at me in amazement then Wong gives me a smile.
"You are the worthy daughter of your parents" so he says he leaves the room leaving us alone.
“That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about.I want to become the Guardian of the Space Stone"
I sit down and wait patiently for the man in front of me to say something.
My father's eyes scan my face with almost maniacal attention.
"Are you sure?It is a difficult path.The first two months you will be away, in one of the temples belonging to the Order of the Guardians.Nobody will know where you are.You will not be able to have contact with anyone”
I fix my gaze on him.
"I know" I reply as convincingly as possible.
I know how hard it will be and I want him to understand that I am confident, determined and ready for anything.
“I am ready to face everything.At first I was afraid of this power but I feel it flowing in me.It's like it's part of me.I am aware of the strength of its destruction but I can also feel the good of this Stone.I want to put it at the service of the world, of the universe.I want to protect people.I want to protect the Stone from the villains.I know I can do it” I gasp at the end of my speech.
I hear the roar of my heart in my ears and my hands are sweaty, I am agitated for the fear of failure.
Or worse still, not being deemed suitable for this task.
"What does Steve think of your choice?"
"What does Steve have to do with?" I ask, appalled by his question.
“I think that to face such a choice you have to talk to him about it.It will be a major change.Difficult"
"Steve accepts it.It wasn't easy at first but he just wants me to be happy and I want to follow my family's legacy"
My father smiles at me.
"Excellent" the only answer of him.
Then he lifts the phone and holds it to his ear, he dials a number and after a few moments he speaks.
"I am Stephen Strange Master of the Mystical Art and Supreme Sorcerer"
Only silence and then again my father's voice rings confident and loud throughout the room.
“My daughter has decided.She will be a Guardian”
A few moments of silence pass.
Someone is talking on the other end of the phone, I can hear a buzz of voices.
"Alright.It will be done”
My father ends the call and looks at me.
“In 4 weeks we will leave for China.You will be educated in an old convent.Nobody, absolutely nobody, needs to know where you are going.These places are sacred to us Guardians and their location is jealously guarded.And the Council allowed me to be your Master”
My eyes light up with joy.
I can feel the excitement inside me, I feel the strength of the Stone flowing through me with discharges of pure power.
"Thanks!I won't let you down”
Strange smiles at me.
“You could never disappoint me.You will be the most spectacular Guardian of all time” he replies with boundless love.
I know I can do it.
It won't be easy but I won't give up.
I will be my father's pride.
I will make my mother proud.
I will honor her memory.
I am Elisabeth Strange.
I am the daughter of Stephen Strange and Sophia Bonnet, nothing will be impossible for me.

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