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Shen Ci was shut outside, a smile appeared on his lips.

 Qin Yi is quite shy.

 They are all fiances, what can't you see?

 While Qin Yi was going to wash, Shen Ci took the initiative to help him fold the quilt and make up the bed. He thought that the light in the room was too dark, so he opened the curtains and prepared to open the windows for ventilation.

 As a result, when the window was opened, I was stunned by the sight outside the window.

 This window has been shaded by the creeping vines of the creeper. There is no difference between opening the curtain and closing the curtain. Only the occasional wind blows the leaves in order to let in a little light.

 Qin Yi... has always lived in such a place?

 It will take at least several years for these creepers to grow like this. Has the exterior wall of the villa been cleaned?

 He remembered the steward saying that Qin Yi hadn't allowed them to move.

 The depressing environment made Shen Ci very uncomfortable. He couldn't help but reach out to push away the lush creepers, but the vines and leaves were layered on top of each other, and it took him a long time to finally clear the window out of half and let the sun shine in.

 He finally pushed one side of the window completely open, and he heard a noise behind him. Qin Yi came out of the bathroom and saw him standing in front of the window playing with the creepers. He couldn't help frowning: "What are you doing?"

 "Take these things away," Shen Ci stood on tiptoe, pushed away a stuck vine, and turned around. "May I trim them for you? Well... if you like to keep it, you can just keep it. The windows are partially trimmed, and if you don't go out and get out of the sun, you will be deficient in calcium."

 Qin Yi was noncommittal, but said, "I'm hungry."

 After a meal, Shen Ci immediately gave up entanglement with those creepers, and said a little angrily: "You still know that you are hungry, so why didn't you eat last night?"

 Qin Yi didn't say a word, don't open his eyes.

 Shen Ci had nothing to do with this odd-tempered fiance. He sighed, "Okay, okay, I'll get lunch."

 Then he left the bedroom.

 Qin Yi was sitting in the wheelchair and looking up at the half-open window. The sunlight was shining into the room through the glass. He stretched out his hand and caught the sunlight with his pale fingers, feeling the heat at his fingertips.

 How long has he not seen the sun?

 One day, one month, or one year?

 Can't remember clearly.


 Hearing Qin Yi's words "hungry", Shen Ci was actually a little happy. People can't skip eating. As long as they have an appetite, it means that the situation is not too bad.

 It was close to noon and the kitchen was ready for lunch. He went to serve two people. When he went back, he passed the living room and saw the housekeeper standing at the door with a person. The former made a "please" gesture to the latter: "Send Your car is already waiting outside."

 Shen Ci stopped and took a look, and found that the other person was the young man who had quarreled with him before, pulling the suitcase at the moment as if he was about to leave.

 The housekeeper's efficiency is quite high. Qin Yi only said yesterday that he would let this person go, and he really went out today.

 As if sensing someone behind him, the man turned his head and gave Shen Ci a vicious look.

 Shen Ci was inexplicable, and asked what he was staring at him. Could it be that he caused the loss of his job?

 He ignored the other person and returned to the bedroom with the tray.

 I didn't notice that there were other people watching him-two sisters who were hired by the family to take care of the piano were standing by the stairs and secretly looking at him.

 The two got together, and one of them said, "Do you think that Shao Qin is particularly good to Young Master Shen?"

 The other turned his head: "Why do you say that?"

 "Did you just not see it? Young Master Shen came out of Shao Qin's bedroom and went in again. Before, no one could get in and out of Shao Qin's bedroom casually!"

 "Hey, you seem to say so..."

 "Furthermore," she lowered her voice, "Young Master Shen has only been here for two days, so Qin Shao gave him the piano, and because someone spoke rudely to him, he drove that person away--isn't it obvious? "

 The other nodded and looked in the direction of the door. The butler had already sent the man who "speaking badly" to leave: "It makes sense, but he deserves to be driven away. Every time I go to maintain the piano, he is arrogant for a while. Said I didn't clean it up here, and then said that I did something wrong there. Obviously I know better than him. My house is a piano shop. This kind of person is better to go."

 "It's not that he is so arrogant because he is Qin Shao's relative. I thought that Qin Shao supported him. After a long time of trouble, Qin Shao didn't wait to see him."

 "Relatives? Although Qin Shao says he has a strange temper, he never ignores people, but he never trains people for no reason. He is also named Qin, so why is there such a big difference?"

 "Oh, yes, have you finished cleaning the piano on the second floor?"

 "It's finished, but what's the matter with the piano, I haven't seen anyone use it after rubbing it, and why should it be placed on the second floor?"

 "I don't know. It is said that the piano has been there for several years."

 "Could it be that Shao Qin used it to learn piano when he was a child? That one is a small triangle, and now all the pianos he often use is a big triangle."

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