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I had to endure the torture of the parrot at home, and I came to the hospital, and I actually had to endure the torture. Qin Yi never expected that Shen Ci would record the parrot's whistle, and now it starts to play it, and he is almost there. Circumstances, instantly recalled the fear of being dominated by the little stars.

He turned his head and stared at the ceiling with difficulty. He only felt that he was not drowsy. He wanted to put his back on his forehead to calm down, but he couldn't move his right hand just after removing the steel plate, and his left hand was undergoing infusion, so he could only maintain this position. , Can't do anything.

Shen Ci said to play a "music that keeps him awake".

It is true that I can't fall asleep, maybe not only can I not fall asleep now, but I can't fall asleep all day today.

Shen Ci set the recording to loop playback, put the phone on the bedside, and said very "intimately": "Okay, just stick to it for two hours. After two hours, you can sleep."

Qin Yi: "..."

I hope he will be alive after two hours.

Qin Shao couldn't think that he would be tortured to such a situation by a parrot. He turned his head and looked out the window, suddenly missing those little sparrows a bit.

At least he can shut up sparrows as soon as he speaks, but not parrots.

Poor Qin Shao was brainwashed by this audio for two hours, and he was already familiar with it just by listening to the recording, how many seconds there were, and it would be played in the first few seconds, and it would start to loop for the first time. Twice.

Until the nurse came in to pull out the needle and asked strangely why the parrot's whistle should be played in a loop, Shen Ci pressed pause, blinked, and said innocently, "Because this can keep him awake. ."

The nurse glanced at Shao Qin, who was unlovable, and she couldn't help but laughed, and calmly said, "After the anesthetic is metabolized, you can go to bed."

Qin Yi: "Yeah."

He could actually feel the effect of the anesthetic gradually passing away, and the incision began to hurt, but this pain was still within the range he could bear, and it was not particularly difficult.

Shen Ci helped him press the infusion patch on the back of his hand for a while, and after confirming that the bleeding did not occur, he gently removed it, and continued to cover his wrist along the direction of the blood vessel. Qin Yi looked at it and said, "I have finished the infusion. Cover it again."

Now that spring has just begun, and the temperature has not warmed up, even if the liquid medicine at room temperature is injected, it will be a bit cold. Qin Yi himself did not react much, but Shen Ci felt that he would be uncomfortable, so he helped him cover his wrists all the time. Refused to let go.

"But your hand is still so cold," Shen Ci said, changing from covering his wrist to covering his fingers, "have you been like this before?"

"No," Qin Yi said, "I have no impression."

That started after the car accident.

Shen Ci was very distressed. He took his hand and breathed lightly in his palm: "Keep warm, I always feel that there is no warmth at home here."

It is inevitable that there is no warmth at home, but it is not much worse. Qin Yi withdrew his hand uncomfortably: "Okay."

"Are you going to sleep for a while?" Shen Ci tucked his arm back into the quilt, "It's been two hours, the anesthetic should be almost gone, right?"

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