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Simply come to enjoy everything Qin Yi gave him?

Even the person who saved Qin Yi back then was not him. All he enjoys now is only the favor of others.

Thinking of this, Shen Ci suddenly took a deep breath--no.

He can't do this, he shouldn't have this kind of thought, he has decided not to tell Qin Yi his true identity, he should not continue to struggle with this matter.

If he denies himself because of this, what is the difference from the cowardly and inferior original owner?

Qin Yi was already unable to stop taking medicine because of his worsening condition, and he couldn't bring him more negative emotions.

Shen Ci tried his best to cheer himself up. He was idle anyway. He didn't want to practice piano, so he helped Qin Yi get a massage.

Given Qin Shao's current mental condition, rehabilitation may be temporarily delayed. I don't know how long the side effects will last after starting to take the medicine. If I have been so depressed, the rehabilitation may be postponed indefinitely.

The impact of his mother's death was too great for Qin Yi.

Qin Yi slept until ten o'clock in the evening, as if he had finally slowed down a bit, woke up in a daze, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Shen Ci curled up next to him and fell asleep.

He saw Shen Ci falling asleep, and his mood was inexplicably less depressed. Seeing him curled up beside him without covering the quilt, he was about to give him his own quilt, but the other party didn't seem to be asleep, so he was light. With a light move, Shen Ci woke up.

Shen Ci immediately sat up and rubbed his eyes: "Are you awake?"

"Well," Qin Yi said, "just go to sleep when you're sleepy, don't worry about me."

"I'm not sleepy, I just want to lie down for a while, if you wake up, I'll wake up too."

The two got up one after another. Because they didn't eat two bites at noon, Shen Ci was already a bit hungry, so he went to inform the housekeeper that he could prepare dinner in the kitchen earlier. Finally, the housekeeper said:

"Mr. Qin Qian, I have communicated over there, and I have contacted the funeral home for follow-up matters. If Qin Shao decides not to undergo an autopsy, the body will be cremated in two days. Qin Shao means everything is simple and no one is invited. Come to offer condolences and be buried directly after cremation."

Shen Ci didn't know what to say. This was Qin Yi's decision. He could only choose to respect, and there seemed to be no better way. Ms. Yu Shu herself should have no friends, her relatives were her husband and son, Qin Yi I just told Qin Qian not to attend Ms. Yu's funeral, so those who care about Qin Qian's face to express condolences to "Mrs. Qin Qian" do not have any need to come.

He suddenly felt sad that Aunt Yu's life might be the only one with her son when she finally passed away.

"I would like to trouble you to confirm with Qin Shao if you really want to keep everything simple." The housekeeper said again, "Also, I have an appointment at the hospital. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, Dr. Lu Heng will accompany him. Let's go together."


Shen Ci returned to the bedroom and relayed to Qin Yi. Qin Yi only replied "Yeah" and said, "Can you attend for me on the day of the burial?"

Shen Ci was taken aback for a moment: "What? This...isn't it good?"

"I don't want to see her in a short time, even if it's just a photo." Qin Yi cast his gaze out of the window, the sky was already dark, "If you don't want to go, let Wen Yao go."

Shen Ci pursed his lips.

Qin Yi was right. The news of "Mother's death" has already worsened his illness. Don't let him see her ashes or photos. The atmosphere at the funeral will definitely be heavy. At present, Qin Yi is not suitable for attending no matter what.

What's more, his body is not very convenient.

It makes Wen Yaoqu even more strange. He is not Yu Shusheng. He has no relationship with her. It doesn't always matter if two people have met or not. It would only seem embarrassing to let him attend.

So now, the only suitable candidate seems to be his "Qin Yi's fiance" who has been recognized by Ms. Yu.

Shen Ci thought for a while, and finally said: "Okay."

Qin Yi paused slightly, turned around, and hesitated again. He thought about it and said, "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to do so much for me, you just pretend that I haven't asked, I will find someone else..."

"I'll go for you," Shen Ci said. "It's not good to find someone else. If you know it, you will lose your life. You should take a good rest now. Leave these things to me."

He hadn't done anything for Qin Yi at all, so he could only share as much as possible for him.

Qin Yi looked at him, his Adam's apple rolled, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, only reached out his hand to hug him, took him into his arms, and whispered, "I'm sorry."

Shen Ci sat down on his lap, "Why do you have to apologize?"

Qin Yi didn't answer, only holding him in silence, feeling that his body temperature was penetrating his body through the thin clothes. This temperature was so kind and warm that he was especially greedy for it and didn't want to extricate himself.

But Lu Heng was right. He couldn't just think about himself, he couldn't just want to draw heat from the sun without considering whether the sun was tired or not.

He is no longer alone. He still has Shen Ci. He is responsible to himself and Shen Ci.

He gently kissed the other side's sideburns, his lips were gently wiped on his earlobes, his voice was low: "Give me some more time, I will cooperate with the treatment, tomorrow... accompany me to the hospital."

Shen Ci was startled slightly, feeling the soft and familiar breath, couldn't help lowering his head, and kissed his lips back: "Okay."

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