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Although I haven't been in a relationship before, there are quite a few routines.

 The two kissed for a while, and Shen Ci was kissed so that his heartbeat speeded up, and he was a little out of breath. The other party let go of him still inexplicably, and said in a low voice: "Go to school, I'll wait for you to come back at home."

 Shen Ci slowly adjusted his breathing, and responded softly: "Yeah."

 "Go to sleep."

 Shen Ci turned his back to him, and there was still a slight curvature of the corner of his mouth, which was not flat.

 Qin Yi said he was waiting at home for his return.

 This sentence is like the tender young shoots of some kind of plant, cute and itchy. He hasn't experienced what it is like "someone is waiting for him at home" for a long time. Since his mother passed away, he has been borrowing it. Living in my aunt's house is not a real home in the strict sense. Although the aunt's family treats him very politely, he can clearly feel the slight alienation. He is like an outsider and cannot fit in.

 Every day when he comes back from school, he always has to take a deep breath to have the courage to step into the house. Perhaps the family never expect him to go home, but it is out of the most basic courtesy.

 No one would ever say to him, I'm waiting for you at home.

 Shen Ci shrank himself into a ball, closed his eyes, feeling that his whole body was warm, and the temperature that belonged to Qin Yi still remained on his lips.

 He seems to have a home again.

 There is a person in the family who is willing to wait for him.


 Shen Ci fell asleep happily. He slept very peacefully until he was woken up by the alarm clock the next morning.

 In order not to wake Qin Yi, he set the phone to vibrate, touched it and turned it off as soon as the alarm clock rang, and then sat up.

 He has always had the habit of getting up early before he wears the book. Even if it is a holiday, he will not sleep late, because he has to go out to work and earn money, and try not to increase the burden on the aunt's family.

 During this period of time, in order to keep his schedule consistent with Qin Yi, he adjusted his biological clock, but he could still get up if he got up early. For example, it was just half past six now.

 He glanced back at someone who was still sleeping, couldn't help but leaned forward, gently kissed his forehead, then gently stepped out of the bed, left the bedroom directly, and went outside to wash.

 The kitchen aunt knew that he started school today, and she prepared breakfast for him early in the morning. Because it was too early, the whole villa was quiet except for the dining room.

 After Shen Ci finished his breakfast alone, he went upstairs to his room, changed into the school uniform prepared by Qin Yi, and took the schoolbag that Qin Yi gave him. He felt that he was too expensive by Qin Shao from head to toe. I am afraid that the original owner is in Shen's house. I have never enjoyed such a good treatment.

 Is this really going to school?

 He said goodbye to the housekeeper and went out with a little complicated mood. He was even more dumbfounded when he saw that he stopped at the door to pick up his car.

 Why did he forget to tell Qin Shao to send a low-key car yesterday!

 Shen Ci took a deep breath. He just wasted a lot of time upstairs, and now it might not be too late to change the car. He didn't want to be late for the first day of school, so he gritted his teeth, opened the door and got into the car.

 I didn't notice that the curtain in Qin Yi's bedroom was pulled a corner, and someone was looking out from the inside.

 In fact, Qin Yi was already awake when Shen Ci got up, and he pretended not to open his eyes until the other party left.

 Then he took the phone to check the time, guessing that the other party should finish eating, got up and moved himself into the wheelchair, and went to the window to look.

 From this angle, you can just see the direction of the door. The driver stopped at the door early. He opened the corner of the curtain and stared at the car for ten minutes before waiting for Shen Ci to come out.

 Watching the boy get into the car and leave, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart, which made him feel uncomfortable all over, as if something had been taken away from him.

 Qin Yi put down the curtains, turned around, and saw that the other half of the bed had been neatly arranged and the quilt was folded up. The warm breath that had been there disappeared, and even the air was cooled down.

 It was then suddenly realized that two months had passed since Shen Ci came to Qin's house.

 In these two months, he had a different life than ever before.

 It seemed that he had gone from one world to another, and this new world was so beautiful that it made him reluctant to leave for a moment.

 As soon as Shen Ci left, the world disappeared beside him.

 Qin Yi was a little annoyed for no reason. In the first hour after the teenager left, he already regretted why he had let him go to school. It would be better to ask the teacher to come home, and he could teach one-on-one, which was definitely not better than at school. Poor learning here.

 He lay down on the bed again, trying to make himself fall asleep, but he stayed down from seven to nine, and he didn't squeeze out half of his sleep.

 In the third hour after Shen Ci left, Qin Shao picked up the phone next to his pillow, opened WeChat, clicked on the chat page that has not been deleted, and typed "Are you in class" in the input field.

 Later, he quickly deleted these words.

 Of course, Shen Ci was in class. The school originally didn't allow him to bring a cell phone, because he was allowed to take it out of the rules because of his special circumstances, but the bottom line was that he was not allowed to bring it out in class.

 He now sends a message to Shen Ci, but it has no more effect than embarrassing him.

 Qin Yi exhaled boredly, and searched for Lu Heng from his friends list. After searching for it for a long time, he didn't find it. Only then did he remember that he had blocked him again.

 He simply dialed the other party's phone and Lu Heng answered, "What's the matter? I'm in the hospital, to make a long story short."

 "What can be distracting?"

 "What distraction?" Lu Heng was inexplicably, "listen to songs, watch movies, read books, you can do anything, what's wrong?"

 "Nothing," Qin Yi said, "I will try."

 He was about to hang up when he suddenly heard Lu Heng say: "Wait, you want to distract you from asking Shen Ci at your house, but you actually came to ask me..."

 Dr. Lu made a meaningful voice: "September 1st today, your kids are starting school, leaving you empty nest Qin Shao at home alone, do you miss him?"

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