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He said, moving his body slowly, wanting to return to the wheelchair, but the wheelchair stopped on the other side of the balance bar.

Shen Ci watched him kneel on the ground, moving forward with difficulty, like a baby who has not yet learned to walk.

The visual impact was so intense that he suddenly felt a severe pain in his heart, stretched out his hand subconsciously, and grabbed his arm: "Qin Yi."

Qin Yi stopped.

Shen Ci crawled under the balance bar and came to him. He regretted a bit. His heart seemed to be grabbed by something unknown. He almost panicked and said, "I'm sorry, did I say the wrong thing?" I didn't mean that, I just..."

"You are right," Qin Yi didn't raise his eyes, and his tone didn't show too many waves. "In order to'live', you should really give up everything. Nothing is more important than these two words."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and gently pushed the other person, as if he wanted him to escape, and he wanted to move on.

The calmer he was, the stronger sourness surged in Shen Ci's heart, instead of avoiding him, he hugged him.

The sweat on Qin Yi hadn't fallen off yet, and he didn't want to be touched by him at all. He instinctively wanted to push it away, but he was more vigorously hooped and locked in his arms.

Shen Ci desperately hugged him tightly, without disapproving that he was covered in sweat, and whispered in his ear: "I'm sorry, I won't say that to you again in the future."

No one wants to show their ugliest and embarrassing side to others.

Even if the other person is the one you like.

It is precisely because of the person I like that I want to show him his best time.

When he first came to the Qin family, he was ashamed of Qin Yi seeing that it was full of wrong piano scores. He was also afraid of being rejected because of his bad performance. He was obviously very similar to the current Qin Yi. Psychologically, he should be the most understandable and least qualified to blame the other party.

Encountering that person in the most embarrassing situation is undoubtedly a torture.

Even if they don't have much privacy between them, he should still leave this man with the last dignity.

Everything shouldn't be like this.

If there hadn't been that car accident, he would have been the most highly anticipated son of heaven. He had fallen from the clouds, like a trapped beast that had been broken off and locked in an iron cage. His teeth had been flattened and his claws had been cut. , Was forced to compromise to the cruel status quo, lingering on to the present day, only for the vague vitality ahead.

He should no longer be blamed, and he shouldn't really be treated as a domestic cat that has been completely domesticated.

Qin Yi didn't respond to his promise, only frowned and said, "Let go, it's hot."

Shen Ci hugged him for a while before slowly letting him go. His whole body was visibly wilted, and he knelt down before him, like a dog with drooping ears waiting to be trained: "I'm sorry, I was wrong. ."

" are right."

"I made you angry."

"I am not angry."

"You scold me."

"..." Qin Yi almost laughed at him, and sighed helplessly, "What the hell do you want, are you waiting for me to comfort you? Get out of the way, and help me as soon as possible. When do you want me to kneel?"

When Shen Ci heard "Fu", he instantly raised his ears, as if he was energetic again. He quickly got up, took the opponent's arm, and tried to pull Qin Yi up from the ground.

But after all, the difference in stature between the two people lies there. The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. It is too difficult for him to really support Qin Yi. Qin Yi also realized this, and hooked him with one hand. Neck, the other hand tried to grasp the balance bar, and finally got up again with the joint efforts of the two people.

Shen Ci took part of his weight and could feel that he could not stand on his own without the help of external force. The knee and ankle brace he had just removed seemed to stabilize the joints, so he should not wear it. Under the circumstances, it is even more difficult to maintain balance.

But fortunately, this distance was not very far, Qin Yi moved a few steps with difficulty, and finally returned to the wheelchair with his support, then exhaled and said tiredly: "Can you I can't stop making trouble, you can't help me, and you have to make trouble for me."

"I'm sorry," Shen Ci knew what was wrong, lowered his head to accept the criticism, and said in a low voice, "So I said let Wen Yao..."

"Don't mention him," Qin Yi frowned, "I can do it myself, but I don't need it."

Shen Ci had to shut up and didn't dare to speak anymore.

He secretly aimed at the other party-I never found that Qin Yi was so tall before, only that he had long legs. It was the first time he saw Qin Yi standing up while sitting, because his knees lacked strength. Stand up straight, but even so, he feels that he is half a head shorter than the opponent.

When he and Wen Yao stood together, they could only reach each other's eyebrows. It was almost like this when he first helped Qin Yi. In other words, if Qin Yi stood up completely, he would definitely be taller than Wen Yao. .

In addition, this body was originally thin and weak, and its strength was insufficient, so if he insisted on helping Qin Yi, it was indeed a mess for him.

Shen Ci couldn't help but feel frustrated. He didn't dare to go forward anymore. Rarely kept a distance from him prudently, and asked in a low voice, "You are not angry anymore?"

"I wasn't angry at all," Qin Yi picked up the mineral water next to him and drank several sips. "I'm not so weak that I can't even hear a word."

The translation means "still within the tolerable range, but I really don't want to hear it."

Shen Ci continued to admit his mistake: "I will knock on the door next time and enter."

Qin Yi glanced at him: "It's up to you, it's not the first time anyway."

He said, manipulating the wheelchair to leave the rehabilitation room, and left another sentence: "It won't be the last time."

Shen Ci looked at his back, a little confused in his eyes.

What does this mean? Did he come in for the first time during his rehabilitation?

Or is it to say that it is not just this incident, but... "I was hit by him when he was most embarrassed"?

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