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Hearing this sound, Shen Ci shook his hand in fright and closed the door that had just been opened.

In the bedroom, Qin Yi rushed out impatiently and said, "If you want to come in, you can come in, otherwise, don't talk."

Wen Yao opened the door and walked in: "Well, it's so dark, the lights are not turned on, it's really fornication, you haven't opened meat for three years, and you have eaten meat for three years?"

"..." Qin Yi looked very speechless, "You are tired and turn on the light to see if it is what you think."

When Wen Yao turned on the headlight, the room suddenly lit up, and he saw that only Qin Yi himself was on the bed, and the sheets were clean and tidy, as if nothing had happened.

But the tooth mark on Qin Yi's shoulder still exposed him, and Wen Yao's eyes turned around on him: "It's quite intense, so what about Shen Ci?"

Qin Yi raised his chin in the direction of the bathroom.

The light in the bathroom was on, but no one came out for a long time. Wen Yao waited for a while. Seeing that there was no movement inside, he couldn't help but approached in surprise, reached out and knocked on the door: "Xiaoci? Are you inside?"

No one responded.

Wen Yao frowned and continued knocking on the door: "Are you okay? I came in if you didn't speak?"

"Don't!" Shen Ci finally opened his mouth, and he said falteringly, "Um...I...I'm going to the bathroom, you go to eat first, and I will go there later."

"Oh..." Wen Yao showed unexplained eyes. Across the frosted glass on the bathroom door, one could vaguely see a figure inside. He was only one door away, and he was not in the bathroom at all.

The corners of his eyes were bent into a malicious arc, and he deliberately teased him: "You don't have stomach pain, do you? Didn't Qin Yi clean it up for you?"

Shen Ci: "..."

"Am I that kind of person?" Qin Yi frowned, "I wore a condom and didn't get it inside. Thank you."

Shen Ci heard the conversation between the two without missing a word, and became even more red-faced. He opened the door and walked around Wen Yao without saying a word, passing by him.

Wen Yao looked at the bare skin on his neck with great interest, and he saw traces of imagination: "I said you two are pursuing harmony in life, or are you fighting cats and dogs?"

Shen Ci didn't dare to take him at all. He glanced at Qin Yi who was still lying on the bed and couldn't help asking, "Why can't you pay it back? Are you really not eating?"

Qin Yi turned his head to look at him: "Why don't you help me bring it in? I'm very tired now, and I really don't want to get up-the wedding has been busy all morning, and I came back to serve someone without eating two bites. In the end, he said that he couldn't remember when he was drunk—I was really busy all day."

Shen Ci didn't expect that he would say this in front of Wen Yao, and a series of coughs broke out immediately.

"Oh? I thought you were full of'eat'," Wen Yao looked at the excitement and it was not too big a problem, "So you guys are not doing it all afternoon, it seems I overestimate you, so easy to get tired, you Or not."

"Whatever you think," Qin Yi seemed to no longer want to make any explanation on the question of "Will it work", "Go eat, don't wait for me."

Of course, Shen Ci couldn't bear to make him hungry, but looked down at the traces of his body, and was not too embarrassed to go out, so he had to say to Wen Yao: "Let the butler bring the food in."

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