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Shen Ci walked quickly towards the direction of the interrogation room. The police still didn't understand his purpose, and immediately came up to stop him: "Sir, what are you going to do?"

There was only one room, and Shen Ci quickly found Feng Yue's location. He pushed open the door of the interrogation room: "Feng Yue!"

The police rushed to stop him and was blocked by Wen Yao. The two were in a stalemate. Shen Ci had already questioned Feng Yue: "Did you drive on from January 5 to January 6 last year? ‌Yanyu Expressway?!"

"What?" Feng Yue was handcuffed to the interrogation chair, looking up blankly, "Shen Ci?"

"I'm asking you something!"

His voice was too high, it was almost yelling, and everyone was taken aback. Two police officers stepped forward and stopped him: "Sir, calm down!"

"Small speech!" Wen Yao also clasped his wrist, not letting him go any further, "What the hell is going on, please say it carefully."

"I asked him if he had been on the Yanyu Expressway from January 5th to 6th last year," Shen Ci was already pale with anger, his five fingers gripped the beverage bottle tightly, almost pinching the bottle body into shape. , "Did you throw a bottle exactly like this one on the highway!"

Feng Yue looked at him like this, panicked inexplicably, and hurriedly defended himself: "What are you talking about? Why throw the bottle? Didn't you come to interrogate me for fraud? No, why did you break in? Comrade police, don't you care about him?"

Wen Yao took Shen Ci in his arms first, and brought him out of the house half-coaxed and half-hugged. Feeling that he was breathing very fast, he patted his back to help him smoothly, and whispered: "Calm down, don't get excited, what the hell is going on, you speak slowly, okay?"

Shen Ci gradually calmed down. Looking at the police around him, he knew that his behavior was a bit too aggressive. He took a deep breath, almost shaking his cell phone, and showed the police the photo: "This is the last year. The evidence at the scene of the car accident showed that someone threw a drink bottle on the highway, which indirectly caused the car accident. This kind of drink is not particularly common. Feng Yue likes to drink it very much. I suspect that he threw the drink bottle."

It's no wonder that when he was chatting with Lu Heng, he felt that the bottle was familiar. He must have seen Feng Yue drink it before.

Feng Yue became more panicked when he heard him say "car accident", and struggled in his chair: "No, who remembers what happened a year ago? I haven't been on any highway. Shen Ci, don't because You hate me and spread rumors out of thin air, right?"

"Shut up!" The police yelled at him, and closed the door of the interrogation room forcefully.

He led Shen Ci to the outside: "You mean, the suspect may also be involved in other cases at the same time, not just fraud?"

Shen Ci nodded.

"We will contact the traffic police department to see if what you said is true, but only with a drink bottle..."

"DNA, DNA was collected on that bottle!" Shen Ci involuntarily raised the volume, "You can compare it and you will know if it is him!"

"Okay," the policeman said, "I would like to trouble you to provide the exact time of the traffic accident, as well as the name of the person involved, or the license plate number. We will investigate as soon as possible."

Shen Ci heaved a sigh of relief: "The time was January 6th last year. A truck rear-ended a car. I don't know who the driver was. The victim in the car was...Qin Yi, and him. Driver."

"Qin Yi?" The policeman's expression suddenly changed, "It turned out to be the case..."

"you know?"

"Who doesn't know, isn't it the pianist Qin Yi?" The policewoman was receiving water next to the drinking fountain. The Criminal Police Brigade was alarmed because many people on the Internet said that the suspect was not a traffic accident but a deliberate murder, and our phone numbers were about to be blown up."

She said and drank a sip of water: "It turned out that it was an ordinary traffic accident. There was no deliberate murder at all. It can only be said to be an innocent disaster. It is said that he has not appeared in public view after that. , Until now...wait, will you be his?"

"I am," Shen Ci put the deformed drink back in place, and the knuckles were all whitened due to excessive force. "Please also check whether it is Feng Yue or not."

The police sighed: "We understand your feelings. Don't worry, we will notify you as soon as the results are available. You should go back first?"

"Trouble." Wen Yao gently clasped Shen Ci's shoulder, thanked the police, and took him away from the police station.

Standing on the steps of the police station, Shen Ci felt that the hot weather could not dissipate the coldness on his body. He did not expect that Qin Yi would become the culprit today. Actually, it is very likely Feng Yue.

"Get in the car," Wen Yao said softly, "If you don't go home, your brother will be worried."



It was all morning after Shen Ci left. As time went by, the strange feeling of anxiety in Qin Yi's heart became stronger and stronger. He was afraid that something would happen to the two on the road, and he was about to send a message to Wen Yao almost after a while. , Ask them how they are.

It has been more than half an hour since Wen Yao's last reply. It was noon, and the police should take a break. Qin Yi endured and endured, just when he was about to call him. The other party finally replied: [Already in the car, I will be home soon]

Qin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and said that he was thinking too much. He went back to "OK", put down his phone, and prepared to notify the housekeeper to prepare the meal.

But unexpectedly, the ominous premonition in his heart did not dissipate because of this. He just put down the phone when the caller's ringtone suddenly rang.

He answered the phone easily and listened to the other side: "Hello, is this Mr. Qin Yi? Sorry to disturb you at this time, this is Yikang Nursing Home."

The ominous premonition rose to the top when he picked up the call, and Qin Yi's fingertips shook slightly: "It's me, what's the matter?"

He heard what the person on the phone said. He understood clearly, but he didn't seem to understand. He blinked slowly: "What did you say? Could you please repeat it again."

The other party was silent for two or three seconds, and repeated more clearly: "I'm sorry to tell you this unfortunate news, your mother, Ms. Yu Shu... passed away this morning."

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