6. "i could eat seventeen waffles and still be hungry."

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"When are you going to give Ari her present?" Flo asked Dylan. They were sitting on the pier by the lake as they usually did when we needed to talk, and naturally, I followed them. Why, might you ask? Well, we were all extremely hungover, and I had absolutely nothing to do. 

Present? What present? 

"Tonight," he replied. 

"Do you like her?" she whispered as she splashed water with her feet. 

"No," he replied. "Erika's like a sister to me. I met her in preschool." 

"Oh," Florence said. "I like her. She's nice." 

"She can be," he blurted after a short pause. 

Excuse you, I thought to myself. That's extremely rude.

"Talking about me, lovebirds?" I heard a familiar voice say. 

"Yes, actually," Flo responded, startled. 

"Really, Dylan? I can be nice?" 

"You're always nice, Erika," he replied, rolling his eyes. I gave him a satisfactory smile. 

"So what's my present?" 

"Fuck it, here you go," he said, handing me an envelope. 

I opened it and my thoughts went from 'ooh presents' to 'what could this be', and then to 'holy fucking shit this is actually happening'. 

"What the fuck, why?" I said after a while of gaping at what I had in hand. 

"Because you mentioned you wanted to find him and thank him. So I got you this." 

"You're coming, right?" 

"Yes, actually. And Fred's also coming with us. Y'know, to pay for the flights as well as keep me company while you meet the love of your life."

"Okay, well, I'll be leaving then," Flo said, forlornly. 

"No, Flo. Stay, please," Dylan stuttered like the pathetic lovestruck idiot he was.

"Sorry to interrupt you two," I excused myself. "Thanks for the present." 

"Yeah, yeah. Now leave,"  he shrugged.

"I shall, suh," I said, doing my best British accent. 

"That was terrible! I do not speak like that!" Dylan called after me. I flipped him off and headed to my house, where my dearest computer was located. 

I opened up Tumblr for the first time in a little while, and saw a red balloon with a 1 in it, signaling an unread message. 

Anonymous asked: 
Hey babe, are you going to see All Time Low in New York? I might see you there!

I typed up my reply: Hi! my friend got me tickets to see them in Baltimore, so no :( But have fun!

As I hit 'send', I couldn't help but wonder who might have asked me that. But that was soon off my mind when Freddie practically invaded my living room. 

"Hello darling, what are you doing today?" Freddie asked, kissing my cheek. Over twenty-four hours, Freddie and I had developed a pretty close friendship considering how long we'd known each other. 

"Nothing much, I mean, it's already six o'clock..." I trailed off. "Thank you so much for the present, honestly, it was brillliant."

"You're very welcome. All Time Low are amazing. Can you believe I was born in B-more and have never seen them live?" 

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